News in Life Sciences

A look back at „Expedition Depression“

As part of their research project, students from the Master's degree program in Health Sciences and Management held an evening on the topic of depression in adolescents and young adults in cooperation with AOK Rheinland/Hamburg. Read more.

From Kleve to the USA

Sabrina Kloppe graduated from Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences in 2024 with a Bachelor of Science in Quality, Environment, Safety and Hygiene (QUSH). As part of her studies, she completed an internship in the USA in her sixth semester. In this interview, Sabrina talks about her experiences abroad, how she came to choose her degree course and gives useful tips for students who are also planning an internship abroad.

Between science and culture: ‘Green recitations’ - a literary evening at the Tropenhaus Kleve

How often do you stop to let nature lead you to thoughts that go beyond the obvious? With events such as ‘Green Recitations’, the Tropenhaus shows how inspiring spaces can be created at the interface of science and culture. Read more.

Occupational health management: students gain insights into the work of the Bundestag, ministry and Robert Koch Institute

Bringing health to employees - students on the Master's degree programme in Health Sciences and Management and the Bachelor's degree programme in Bio Science and Health at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences gained exciting insights into the work of central institutions that have a significant influence on occupational health management - Betriebliche Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM) in Berlin. The excursion offered the opportunity to combine theoretical content with practical experience. Read more.

‘Expedition Depression’ - Master's students raise awareness and destigmatise mental illnesses

How do you recognise depression? What forms can it take and what support services are available, especially for young people? On 26 November 2024, students of the Master's degree programme in Health Sciences and Management, in cooperation with AOK Rheinland/Hamburg, invite you to a film screening followed by a panel discussion. Read more.

IIT Kharagpur and Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences renew cooperation

A high-ranking delegation from the renowned Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, the first and one of the leading technical universities in India, visited Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW) in Kleve. The aim of the visit was to renew the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), a written declaration of intent that forms the basis for cooperation between the two institutions, defines common goals and responsibilities and serves as a starting point for future collaboration. The exchange focussed on joint projects in research and teaching as well as the establishment of new initiatives at Master's and doctoral level. The exchange emphasises the shared interest of both universities in international networking and the exchange of knowledge and research. Read more.

Dear first-semester students and campus newcomers,

you probably have many questions about your studies at the Faculty of Life Sciences. To help you get started, we have put together some useful orientation guides and important information on organising your studies. We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Excursion of the Faculty of Life Sciences through Northern Italy

The 30 participating students from various degree programmes and semesters, including Agribusiness, Bioengineering, Bio Science and Health, Quality, Environment, Safety and Hygiene, Sustainable Agriculture, Biological Resources and Food Science, presented a colourful international picture: 15 male and 15 female participants from 18 different nations. Accompanied by five supervisors; professors and research assistants from the faculty, the group travelled across northern Italy in four minibuses to gain deeper insights into the Italian food industry and sustainable practices. Read more.

Ghanaian Ho Technical University's Prof. Dr. Kenneth Fafa Egbadzor Visits Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Plots Future Collaboration

Prof. Dr. Kenneth Fafa Egbadzor of Ho Technical University, Ghana, shared his experiences and insights after a two-week academic exchange at the Faculty of Life Sciences. His mission: to explore cutting-edge agricultural technology and sustainable practices that could transform farming back home in Ghana. Read More.

Sustainable agriculture: Visit to Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences as part of the green-COW project

A delegation from Germany and several African countries visited Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences as part of the green-COW project. The project, officially known as "Cascade utilisation of agricultural, agro-industrial and municipal organic waste", is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The aim of the project is to develop sustainable and circular utilisation systems for organic waste. Read more.

Study Orientation Weeks at the Faculty of Life Sciences

study orientation

Discover Your Future at the 'Study Orientation Weeks'!

The Faculty of Life Sciences warmly invites you to visit our Campus Kleve on January 18, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

Here you will have the unique opportunity to engage directly with our professors, staff, and students. They are ready to introduce you to the diversity of our study programs, explain the exact contents, and provide insights into practical applications.

Take this chance to find a study program that perfectly matches you and your career goals. Learn more about the requirements and career perspectives and let our committed faculty inspire you. We look forward to meeting you and jointly shaping your path to the future! Read more

The Faculty of Life Sciences wishes you a Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year 2024!

The year in review: The Faculty of Life Sciences at Agritechnica 2023

In this photo, we can see students and faculty members from Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences

After a break due to coronavirus, the world's largest trade fair for agricultural technology returned with 470,000 visitors and 2,850 exhibitors.

The fair offered students from the Faculty of Life Sciences a platform to find out about their university and agricultural degree programs. At the same time, the fair offered students not only learning opportunities, but also chances to make contacts and gain insights into the latest agricultural trends. Read more

The year in review: Major alumni reunion of the Bio Science and Health and Quality, Environment, Safety and Hygiene (QUSH) degree programs

More than 90 former students came together at the alumni meeting of the Bio Science and Health and Quality, Environment, Safety and Hygiene (QUSH) degree programs at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences on 12 May, a record for this event. Initiated by an alumnus, the meeting focused on the development of the degree programs and alumni feedback. Professors presented data and developments, and the focus was on networking and exchange between alumni and current students to strengthen the connection to the university. Read more

The year in review: Students of the Master's program in Food Science produce "Rosé wine from the Lower Rhine"

Group picture in the "vineyard": A group of professors and students who are part of the project in the vineyard where the grapes were harvested.

Master's students of  food science produced a rosé wine from grapes from a Dutch vineyard that were donated to them for their research project. Despite the low sugar content, the students succeeded in producing a wine of acceptable quality by trying out different methods and storage conditions. The project emphasizes the practical training and regional connection of the course. Next, the budding food scientists are planning to produce a brandy from the leftover grapes. More

Year in Review: The HSRW Life Sciences Faculty and Charkiv Summer School Collaboration

As we look back at the end of the year, we reflect on the initiatives that have made a difference. In 2023, HSRW and Charkiv Biotechnology School collaborated on a Summer School in Kleve, offering Ukrainian students hands-on learning in Bioengineering amidst the ongoing conflict. The program featured hybrid courses, practical lab work with smart glasses, and cultural exchanges. This initiative, supported by DAAD, provided valuable experiences and showcased innovative approaches to education in challenging times. More

The University Distillery: From microbiologist to brandy sommelier

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von zwölf Personen, die in zwei Reihen angeordnet sind. Die vordere Reihe besteht aus vier Personen, die knien oder sich tief beugen, während die hintere Reihe aus acht stehenden Personen besteht. Jede Person hält stolz eine Urkunde zum Edelbrand-Sommelier in der Hand.  Im Hintergrund ist ein Banner mit dem Logo und dem Namen der Bayerischen Landesanstalt für Weinbau und Gartenbau zu sehen. Die Gruppe wirkt fröhlich und zufrieden, als ob sie gerade eine Auszeichnung oder Anerkennung erhalten hätte.

The Faculty of Life Sciences has been running a professional distillery since 2013, which serves as a teaching centre for the art of distillation and food safety. Dr Marc-Kevin Zinn, integrates his expertise into teaching, with students gaining both theoretical and practical knowledge of distillate production. He recently passed the examination to become a distillery sommelier at the Genussakademie Bayern and the Bayerische Landesanstalt für Weinbau und Gartenbau. More

Walnussschalen als Inhaltsstoffe für Kosmetika: Hochschulprojekt erforscht mit Kalkarer Unternehmen Alternativen zu Mikroplastik

Seit Oktober 2023 ist es EU-weit verboten: Mikroplastik in sämtlichen Kosmetikprodukten und Waschmitteln. Doch welche Alternativen gibt es? Das möchten Forschende an der Hochschule Rhein-Waal (HSRW) zusammen mit dem Familienunternehmen bb med. product GmbH vom unteren Niederrhein herausfinden. Weiterlesen

Insight into innovative waste management: Excursion to AEZ Asdonkshof

During an excursion as part of the "Fundamentals of Environmental Protection" lecture series, students on the "Quality, Environment, Safety and Hygiene" and "Sustainable Agriculture" courses visited the Asdonkshof waste disposal centre near Kamp-Lintfort. There they were given an insight into modern waste management. More

New approaches to soil improvement: Prof Dr Khalid Khan presents innovative research on biochar

The image features two men standing in front of a presentation screen that displays a "Thank You" message with a graphic of a green sprout with three leaves on the right side of the screen. The man on the left, Professor Khan, is holding a book and is dressed in a dark sweater over a collared shirt, smiling as he faces the camera. The man on the right, Professor Wichern, is also smiling at the camera, and he's dressed in a hoodie. The background is a plain wall and part of a flip chart stand can be seen to the right of the image. They are in a seminar room, and the mood is positive.

Prof Dr Khalid Khan, from the PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, presented innovative research results on biochar during his research stay supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He focussed on the use of biochar to improve soil quality in arid regions.  At the end of his stay, the Faculty of Life Science thanked Prof Khan for his valuable contributions and the impetus he has provided for future research projects. His work bears witness to the close scientific ties that stretch from Pakistan to the Lower Rhine. More