Excursion of the Faculty of Life Sciences through Northern Italy

Insights into the food industry and sustainability

The 30 participating students from various degree programmes and semesters, including Agribusiness, Bioengineering, Bio Science and Health, Quality, Environment, Safety and Hygiene, Sustainable Agriculture, Biological Resources and Food Science, presented a colourful international picture: 15 male and 15 female participants from 18 different nations. Accompanied by five supervisors; professors and research assistants from the faculty, the group travelled across northern Italy in four minibuses to gain deeper insights into the Italian food industry and sustainable practices.

Die gesamte Gruppe der Exkursionsteilnehmer vor dem Gebäude von Monari Federzoni.
Eine weite Landschaft mit grünen Feldern und Bergen im Hintergrund. Dieses Bild ist während der Fahrt durch die Po-Ebene in die Alpen aufgenommen worden, auf dem Weg nach Trient.
Studierende in Schutzkleidung hören einem Mitarbeiter zu, der etwas erklärt. Beim Besuch bei Monari Federzoni in Solara di Bomporto sein, wo die Studierenden den Prozess der Aceto Balsamico-Herstellung kennenlernten.
Die Gruppe von Studierenden in Sicherheitswesten bewegt sich in einem Industriekomplex. Dieses Bild stammt vom Besuch bei Caviro Company in Faenza stammen, besonders von der Besichtigung der Produktionsstätte in Forli.
Studierende in orangefarbenen Sicherheitswesten hören einem Mitarbeiter in einer Produktionshalle zu. Dieses Bild ist während des Besuchs bei Caviro Company in Faenza entstanden sein, wo die Studierenden Einblicke in die Weinproduktion und Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien des Unternehmens erhielten.
Eine Gruppe von Studierenden in Schutzkleidung steht in einer Produktionsstätte, wo sie von einem Mitarbeiter etwas erklärt bekommen. Beim Besuch der Parmaschinken-Herstellung bei Zuneria Parma Ham Company in Langhirano konnten die Studierenden die traditionellen Methoden der Schinkenherstellung kennenlernten.
Studierende sitzen in einem Konferenzraum und hören einer Präsentation zu. Auf dem Bildschirm sind Folien über die EU-Lebensmittelgesetzgebung zu sehen. Dieses Bild passt ebenfalls zum Besuch bei der Europäischen Lebensmittelsicherheitsbehörde (EFSA) in Parma.
Eine Gruppe von Studierenden steht in einem Gebäude mit zahlreichen Fahnen im Hintergrund. Hierbei handelt es sich um den Besuch bei der Europäischen Lebensmittelsicherheitsbehörde (EFSA) in Parma, wo die Studierenden eine Einführung in die Arbeitsweise der Behörde erhielten und über aktuelle Herausforderungen in der Lebensmittelsicherheit diskutierten.
Eine Gruppe von Studierenden steht in einem Weinberg, geführt von einer Person, die auf die Reben zeigt. Dieses Bild könnte während des Besuchs des ökologischen Weinguts Tenuta Moraschi entstanden sein, wo die Studierenden den Prozess der Prosecco-Herstellung nachvollziehen konnten.

The excursion took the students to various stages of Italian food production, from mass-produced goods to exclusive delicacies. After arriving in Bergamo, they travelled to Solara di Bomporto, where they visited the aceto balsamico producer Monari Federzoni. Monari Federzoni, known for over a century for the production of high-quality Aceto Balsamico di Modena, offered the students a comprehensive tour of the production facilities. They learnt about the various stages of vinegar production, from ageing in wooden barrels to bottling. The day ended with dinner in Modena, where they savoured the local cuisine.

The next day, the group travelled to Parma to visit the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The EFSA plays a central role in ensuring food safety in Europe and is known for its independent scientific opinions. The group was given an introduction to how the authority works and discussed current challenges in food safety. After exploring the city of Parma and having lunch together, they visited the Parma ham producer Zuneria in Langhirano. There, the students learnt about the traditional methods of producing Parma ham and were also able to taste the famous ham. The day ended with a cosy dinner in a pizzeria.

Wednesday was dedicated to wine: the students visited the Caviro company in Faenza, one of the largest wine producers in Italy. They were given an insight into wine production and the company's sustainability strategies, including the use of waste products to generate energy. In the afternoon, the group visited the production facility in Forli and learnt about the company's logistics and distribution channels.

Cultural and scenic highlights were also part of the excursion, so Thursday began with an idyllic boat tour in the Parco del Delta del Po, a UNESCO-protected biosphere reserve known for its rich flora and fauna. In addition to flamingos, which are native to the area, the tour showed how agriculture and nature conservation have been sustainably harmonised over the last hundred years. After a guided tour of the town and a visit to an old fish tin factory in Comacchio, the tour continued to Trento and thus from the Po Valley to the Alps.

The last full day took the group to the Trentigrana cheese factory in Mezzana. The students were able to follow the entire production process of the famous Trentigrana cheese, from milk processing to the maturing of the cheese wheels. The day ended with a tour of the city of Trento, a gondola ride up Monte di Mezzocorona and dinner together at the hotel.

Even Saturday, the day of departure, was used to the full and we travelled to the Tenuta Moraschi organic winery. The winery produces quality sparkling wines by bottle fermentation, so that the students were able to understand the entire production process, from the care of the vines to the bottling of the finished wine. A wine tasting rounded off the experience. After a tour of the Città Alta of Bergamo, the students returned to Kleve in the evening

The excursion organised by the Faculty of Life Sciences provided students with a comprehensive introduction to the Italian food industry and a deep understanding of the global diversity of food production. The excursion will certainly be remembered by the participants for a long time to come and will provide them with valuable experience and knowledge for their further studies and professional careers.