Health Sciences and Management*

Preventive and precautionary healthcare – managing health before the doctor visit

The German healthcare industry is in a state of perpetual change. The information needs of companies and citizens, who are among the industry’s most important stakeholders, have grown more complex and demanding over the years. Similar to other industrial nations, the German healthcare industry is projected to become a central pillar of future economic growth. In short, a combination of factors has led to an explosion in demand for health science and health administration experts in recent years – a trend that shows no signs of slowing.

The Health Sciences and Management M.Sc. programme is designed to train the next generation of these experts. In this degree programme you will acquire an array of advanced knowledge and competencies, providing you with the specialised theoretical and practical background needed for a career in the fields of health science, health promotion, preventative care and health administration. The solid scientific basis of this degree programme and the applied skills it imparts will produce highly qualified experts able to develop, implement and evaluate scientifically grounded practices of the healthcare industry.

Health Sciences and Management M.Sc. is an integrated master’s degree programme and builds upon a previously completed bachelor’s degree in a health science field. While its profile is heavily application-oriented, the programme also places particular emphasis on empirical health research, notably in terms of using empirical research methods to scientifically substantiate and optimise the practices and procedures of the healthcare industry.

Career Paths

Health Sciences and Management M.Sc. graduates will be in a prime position for careers in health sciences and in prevention, health promotion and health administration. This includes, in particular:

  • Businesses
  • Clinics and hospitals
  • Communal and public healthcare services
  • Corporate health administration and associated external suppliers
  • Educational institutions (childcare centres, schools, adult education centres)
  • Health insurance providers or employers’ liability insurance associations
  • Medical consultancy
  • Medical journalism
  • Medical tourism
  • Nutrition and consumer consultancy
  • Promoting health-oriented physical activity amongst various target groups


* The degree programmes offered are suitable for part-time study in accordance with Section 62a (2) HG NRW.

Testimonials from graduates and students

Foto: Bernadette Yehdou

Nathalie Kubin, M.Sc.

What did you like most about your Master's degree programme in Health Sciences and Management?

I particularly enjoyed the modules GW04 ‘Health Promotion and Prevention’ and the applied research projects I + II (GW06, GW12). A personal highlight for me were the internships as part of GW04, where we had the opportunity to carry out and try out various endurance diagnostics. These included a running analysis, lactate diagnostics, spiroergometry and the Cooper test. We also gained insights into the topics of addiction prevention and back health, with a strong focus on practical work. We were able to try out various methods such as the use of addiction goggles, EMS training and the space curl.

Another highlight was undoubtedly the excursion to Berlin. There we had the opportunity to gain a comprehensive insight into our health policy. Thanks to a varied programme, the excursion was an extremely worthwhile trip that gave us many new insights.

I was particularly impressed by the interaction between lecturers and students. It was clearly noticeable that there was an atmosphere of mutual appreciation and respect. The lecturers were committed and showed great interest in the students' progress. It was encouraging to see how they always endeavoured to maintain a relationship at eye level.

What content of the Master's programme was most valuable for your current position as project coordinator in university sports?

The research projects gave me practical insights and skills that were directly transferable to my role as project coordinator. The knowledge gained from the Occupational Health Management modules helped me to develop effective strategies for managing health projects. The Health Promotion and Prevention modules gave me important foundations and methods for implementing health promotion measures. The knowledge of health tourism broadened my horizons and helped me to develop new perspectives for the organisation of health events.

How did you feel about writing your Master's thesis?

I found writing my Master's thesis challenging, but doable. I chose a topic that interested me and had a strong practical relevance. As a result, I was able to make a difference at the research site and at the same time had prospects for further research. These factors helped me to stay motivated and focussed. Another thing that made my writing easier was the support I received from my supervisor. Regular feedback sessions helped me to stay on track and continuously improve my work.

What practical skills did you acquire during your studies that you now use in your position?

In particular, time management and structured work, as well as project management skills. These skills help me a lot with my current projects and tasks.


Laura Zimmermann, M.Sc.

What did you like most about your Master's programme in Health Sciences and Management?

What I liked most about the Master's degree programme in Health Sciences and Management was the small course size of usually 10-15 students, the proximity to the teaching staff and the interdisciplinary orientation. From economics to natural sciences to sustainability, a wide range of content was taught by teachers from different backgrounds, so that you become a bit of an all-rounder yourself. The fellow students also brought in a wide variety of Bachelor's degree programmes (health management, food science, business administration, medical informatics), which allowed them to complement each other well.

How has the programme influenced your professional future?

Thanks to its interdisciplinary approach, the degree programme covered topics from all possible areas of healthcare, so that you are well positioned for different career prospects. In addition to the specialist input, skills such as teamwork (through group work) and presentation skills (through frequent presentations) were also promoted, which is essential for the world of work.

What motivated you to choose this degree programme?

I had already focussed on healthcare in my Bachelor's degree course, so I quickly realised that I also wanted to focus on healthcare management in my Master's degree. I decided in favour of HSRW because it has very modern facilities and small course sizes. I was also attracted by the fact that the degree programme is only three semesters long, which gave me the opportunity to add a semester abroad.

What practical skills did you acquire on the programme?

With the exception of a few modules, the programme is rather theoretical, which is in the nature of a management degree course. However, as far as possible, attempts were also made to impart practical content, e.g. through guest lectures by employees from pharmaceutical companies and health authorities, excursions to health fairs and invitations to health-related events. A hospital simulation game was also organised in which various decisions had to be made as a ‘management group’. As I now work in a hospital, I think that the simulation game gave me the most practical skills.


Natasa Jovanovic, B. Sc.

What do you like most about the Master's degree programme in Health Sciences and Management?

I particularly like the fact that the various modules give you a holistic insight, allowing you to recognise which areas you are most interested in and in which area you would like to work in the future. The professors were very committed and responded to the students' needs. I also particularly liked the practical relevance of the degree programme. In various modules, we had internships directly on site, where we were able to use lots of exciting equipment or carry out experiments. This allowed us to combine the content of the modules with practical experience. We also had two projects with external partners, which were very interesting. By organising and carrying out the projects, we were able to acquire many methodological and content-related skills and potentially make important contacts for our future careers. Looking back, however, what I like most is that, in contrast to my Bachelor's degree, I developed a lot of soft skills, which gives me confidence when I start my career.

What has been the highlight of your degree programme so far?

The highlight was the trip to Berlin in the summer semester of 2023. We had a great time there and the trip was very well organised by the university. We had a super exciting and varied programme on site. We visited the Bundestag, went to the Federal Ministry of Health and were even allowed to pay a visit to Pfizer. At the same time, we got to know our fellow students better and strengthened our sense of community. We also had enough free time to explore Berlin. I learnt a lot from this trip, including insights into different career opportunities. I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity to take part.

What challenges have you faced during your studies so far?

The challenges have been having to reorganise myself and manage work and study at the same time. The workload is significantly higher in the Master's programme, including several exams for one module. I had to learn to organise myself properly in this respect. That was a major challenge, especially in the first semester, but it levelled out relatively quickly. I also had problems with giving presentations before the degree programme. However, the Master's programme has eased my fears, as the constant practice and positive feedback have made them disappear.

What tips do you have for future students on this Master's programme?

I would recommend future students to organise themselves well right from the start. It is important to actively participate in the discussions and projects, as this is how you learn the most and make valuable contacts. You should also take advantage of the services offered by the university, such as counselling services and networking events. And finally, enjoy your time and be open to new experiences - both academic and personal.


Place of study

Campus Kleve

Start date

Winter or summer semester



Duration of study

3 semesters of full-time studies

Study model

Full-time or part-time degree programme

Degree awarded

Master of Science

Restricted admission


Student Advisory Service

Phone: 02821 - 806 73 - 360
E-mail: Studienberatung

Course-specific Advise

heads of study programme

Prof. Dr. Robert Renner

Phone: +49 (2821) 806 73-222
E-mail: Robert Renner