Tropical Greenhouse with Study and Showpiece Gardens

 - The Green Heart of Rhine-Waal -


Rhine-Waal University's Tropical Greenhouse with Study and Showpiece Gardens was established in September 2012.

The Greenhouse is used extensively in a number of ways:

  • Holding lectures for students
  • Research and practical demonstrations using climate-controlled chambers
  • Collecting and presenting tropical crops
  • Providing a realistic, hands-on demonstration of biodiversity
  • Preserving endangered plant species
  • Holding events open to the public

The Tropical Greenhouse with Study and Showpiece Gardens has a total area of 625 m2 and sits prominently on the Kleve Campus between the canteen and the library building on the Spoy Canal. It contains a seminar room, a plant room and a large climate-controlled greenhouse unit.

This unit consists of four research chambers and a main cultivation area for plants, which currently houses a collection of tropical crop plants. The climate-control functions allow us to simulate different climate zones, thus creating optimal growing conditions for a variety of different plant species. This variety not only enables students and researchers to conduct internationally-oriented projects and experiments, but also provides a practical teaching aid for students.  

Like the plants it holds, the Greenhouse itself is growing – our future expansion plans include gardens for teaching and show, a “living blackboard” and a nature trail through vegetables. An additional 1,500 mis planned and already being prepared adjacent to the greenhouse.


Prof. Dr. habil. Jens Gebauer

Phone: +49 (2821) 806 73 - 218
E-mail: Jens Gebauer

Head Horticulturist

Doris Winkels

Tel.: (02821) 80673 - 9703
E-Mail: Doris Winkels


Franz-Josef Kuhnigk

Phone: +49 (2821) 806 73 - 639
E-mail: Franz-Josef Kuhnigk

Coordination of sustainability education

Ruth Minor

Tel.: (02821) 80673 - 9938
E-Mail: Ruth Minor - Coordination, Guided tours

Sandra Neumann

Tel.: (02821) 80673 - 9783
E-Mail:  Sandra Neumann - Coordination, Guided tours



Prof. Dr. Florian Wichern (u.a. FÖJ-Verantwortlicher, Professor für Bodenkunde)


Voluntary Ecological Year

Isabell Giusto

Elias Kammann

For more information about the voluntary ecological year (FÖJ), click here.


Wochen der Studienorientierung

ProbierDich-Lounge auf dem Campus Kleve
Campus Kleve

Wochen der Studienorientierung

ProbierDich-Workshop: Talente entdecken - Entscheidungen treffen
Campus Kleve