Society and Economics



Student research sheds light on the path to peat reduction in horticulture

In collaboration with the Agrobusiness Niederrhein association, eleven students from Rhine-Waal University of Applied Scienc-es provided exciting insights into the importance and potential of peat-free products in horticulture as part of the Trans-RegINT project.

Peat? At the beginning of last semester, this was a new topic for some of the international students on the marketing course led by Prof Dr Marina Gregoric, Professor of Business Administra-tion and Marketing at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Scienc-es. But after the first in-depth insights into the topic, the budding advertising experts' interest was quickly piqued.

Peat, a substrate that has been used for centuries in plant culti-vation, is increasingly being criticised for its negative impact on the climate and biodiversity. The extraction of peat leads to the destruction of valuable moors, which serve as CO2 reservoirs and are home to unique flora and fauna. Against this backdrop, the search for sustainable alternatives is becoming increasingly important.

In constant dialogue with Agrobusiness Niederrhein e.V. and after a visit to the plant producer and wholesaler Eurofleus El-bers in Kevelaer, the students learned about the background and developed questionnaires for their research focus. In their surveys, the students came to very similar conclusions: Around a third of those surveyed in DIY stores, garden centres and at the university were aware of the environmental consequences of peat extraction and its use in horticulture, while the topic was completely foreign to two thirds.

Prof. Dr. Maria Mayerchyk wurde mit einem Preis "Feminist Sociologist Honorary Distinction 2024" geehrt

Prof. Dr. Maria Mayerchyk wurde von den Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) mit dem Feminist Sociologist Honorary Distinction 2024 geehrt. Die designierte Präsidentin, S.L. Crawley, würdigte damit Dr. Mayerchyks Beiträge zu Wissenschaft und akademischer Lehre sowie ihre Bemühungen, eine Plattform für feministische Wissensproduktion zu schaffen und Debatten über gesellschaftlich bedeutsame Themen im Zusammenhang mit Osteuropa in der weltweiten Gemeinschaft von Wissenschaftler*innen und Aktivist*innen zu fördern.

Studentin aus der Kreativen Schreibwerkstatt gewinnt Preis des Schreibwettbewerbes „Vrijheid“ der Provincie Gelderland

Preisträgerin Vivien Barteczko mit Kursleiterin Renate Schmitz-Gebel präsentieren den Preis

Vivien Barteczko erhielt den Preisgewinn für ihr Gedicht „der friede“ erst ein paar Tage später aus der Hand von Renate Schmitz-Gebel, die als Lehrbeauftragte die Kreative Schreibwerkstatt an der Fakultät Gesellschaft und Ökonomie leitet.

Denn die Preisträgerin konnte leider wie auch einige andere Studierende wegen der Prüfungsphase nicht an der stimmungsvollen Abschlussveranstaltung des Schreibwettbewerbs „Vrijheid“ der Provincie Gelderland am 2. Februar in den Niederlanden teilnehmen.

Die Studierenden Noah Bauer und Jayda Brown vertraten dort gemeinsam mit ihrer Dozentin die Kreative Schreibwerkstatt, die sich im Oktober mit einer Sammlung von Texten von insgesamt 10 Studierenden an diesem Schreibwettbewerb beteiligt hatte. Die drei waren der Einladung von Gerda Brethouwer, Direktorin des Onderduikmuseums ( in Aalten, über die Grenze ins Barghse Huis in s’Heerenberg gefolgt. Sie genossen gespannt die abwechslungsreiche Veranstaltung, durch die Theo Soontiens, Theatermacher und Vorsitzender der Jury, locker führte.

The Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences sees its good work confirmed by the appointment to the board of examiners of the Chamber of Public Accountants

The Faculty of Society and Economics is delighted to announce the appointment of three professors to the Chamber of Public Accountants' Examination Board. In addition to the Dean, Prof. Dr. Ralf Klapdor, who has been a member of the Examination Board for many years, Professors Dr. Ralf Bauer and Dr. Philipp Schorn have now also been appointed to this body for five years. For the Faculty of Society and Economics, these appointments are a confirmation of its good work in the field of auditing and accounting. These developments promise continued good performance and innovation in this field.


Study Orientation Weeks at the Faculty of Society and Economics 2024

Finding the right study programme can be challenging for young people. Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences will help during the Study Orientation Weeks from 15 January to 2 February 2024. The four faculties in Kleve and Kamp-Lintfort, as well as the Central Student Advisory Service, will offer all prospective students a wide range of advice and information on choosing a study programme, study organization, and other topics.

On January 18th 2024, the Faculty of Society and Economics will inform about its study programs.

Metro Group guest lecture offers students insights into supply chain management and career opportunities

On 15 January 2024, the Faculty of Society and Economics hosted a guest lecture by the renowned Metro Group. The event, entitled "Supply Chain Management", offered students of Professor Dr Ute Merbecks' course "International Taxation and Law" the opportunity to gain an insight into the company's business model and the importance of supply chain management.

Hochschule Rhein-Waal startet Projekt zur Verbesserung der Lebenssituation von Arbeitsmigrant*innen der Grenzregion

Eine Verbesserung der Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen von transnationalen Arbeitsmigrant*innen in der Euregio Rhein-Waal durch grenzüberschreitende Austauschstrukturen für soziale Beratungen – das hat das durch Interreg VI geförderte Projekt ‚TRAM – transnationale Arbeitsmigration in der Euregio‘ (kurz: TRAM) zum Ziel. Ende 2023 startete das Projekt unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Ingrid Jungwirth in Kooperation mit der Radboud Universiteit, der Gemeente Apeldoorn und der Euregio Rhein-Waal. Weiterlesen

Vortrag auf der CARF-Tagung an der Hochschule Luzern zum Thema „ESG-Risiken in der Risikoberichterstattung

Bild mit Prof. Dr. Ute Merbecks

Am 7. September 2023 hat Frau Professor Dr. Merbecks einen Vortrag auf der CARF-Tagung an der Hochschule Luzern zum Thema „ESG-Risiken in der Risikoberichterstattung: Kontext und empirische Analyse der DAX 40-Unternehmen“ gehalten. Die Konferenz für praxisorientierte Forschung und Lehre richtet sich an Forschende, Dozierende und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende deutschsprachiger Hochschulen und Universitäten in den Fachgebieten Controlling, Accounting & Audit, Risk & Compliance und Finanzen.

Preparatory Courses Faculty Society and Economics WS 23/24

The preparatory courses of the Faculty of Society and Economics take place a few weeks before the start of the winter semester and are aimed at those beginning their Bachelor's degree. Their aim is to standardize or refresh the knowledge of the students.

Kreative Schreibexpedition durch die Lehr- und Schaugärten und das Tropenhaus der HSRW Kleve

Im Herbst 2022 waren sie schon einmal mit Stift und Papier in Tropenhaus, Lehr- und Schaugärten, im Frühling wollten sie wiederkommen. Jetzt lösten die Studierenden aus der Kreativen Schreibwerkstatt zusammen mit Dozentin Renate Schmitz-Gebel ihr Versprechen ein:  Am 3. Juni 2023 konnte Sandra Neumann die schreibfreudige Gruppe bei wolkenlosem Himmel begrüßen und ihr viele spannende Informationen zu einzelnen Pflanzen, Tieren und Forschungsvorhaben geben.

Dabei kamen Wörter wie Wunderbeere, Scheinstamm, Tellerkraut, Bogenhanf, Bittergurke, Touch-me-not-Plant, Bienenfreund, Duftpfad oder Sandarium zur Sprache, die sofort in den Köpfen zu sprießen begannen und Samen für Geschichten legten.

Nach dieser gelungenen Einführung schrieben die Studierenden mit ihren Stiften los. Sie ließen sich vom überbordenden Wachstum in dieser Jahreszeit inspirieren, erfanden Biografien zu einzelnen Gewächsen und brachten Pflanzen-Beschreibungen in kurze lyrische Formen. Mimose, Kakaopflanze und Avocado wurden poetische Rondelle gewidmet. 

Excursion to Bonn

On June 14, the students of the International Relations bachelor's degree, accompanied by Dr. Jan Niklas Rolf had the unique opportunity to visit Deutsche Welle and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in Bonn. This excursion offered the students fascinating insights into the cultural and development policy of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Students and professors from Kazakhstan visit the HSRW

As part of an exchange programme funded by the DAAD, a group of 10 students from the German-Kazakh University (DKU) in Almaty / Kazakhstan, led by Alexander Ten, visited the Faculty of Society and Economics at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences during the week of 5 June 2023. In an extensive programme, the students discussed with students of the study programme "International Relations" and informed themselves in lectures by Alexander Brand, Anne Tempel, Imke Hans and Jakob Lempp about the study of International Relations in Germany.

Prof. Dr. Ute Merbecks gives a lecture on Corporate Digital Responsibility at the 45th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association in Espoo-Helsinki

What social challenges arise as a result of the digital transformation and how can companies and policy makers deal with them? Prof. Dr. Ute Merbecks gave a presentation on Corporate Digital Responsibility at the 45th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association in Espoo-Helsinki on 26 May 2023.

Prof. Dr. Marjan Alemzadeh gives lecture on educational potential of learning workshops

What are the educational potentials of learning workshops and what attitude should the professionals adopt? Prof. Dr. Marjan Alemzadeh answered these and many other questions as part of the free lecture series of the Niedersächsischen Instituts für frühkindliche Bildung und Entwicklung  "Mitmachen mit allen Sinnen". In her lecture, Prof. Dr. Marjan Alemzadeh reported on the concept and experiences of the KLEX learning workshop she leads at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.

Field Trip to Bonn: Policy Advice for Sustainable Development

As part of the course " Policy Advice in Sustainable Development ", Master students in "Sustainable Development Management" and Professor Alexander Brand went on a field trip to Bonn on 25 May. They visited the German Institute for Development and Sustainability (IDOS) and the Bonn offices of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Graduation ceremony in May 2023

On 5 May, 95 graduates experienced a moving afternoon with numerous speeches and honours at the Graduation Ceremony together with their families and friends. Congratulations on your successful graduation!

The Creative Writing Workshop visits the artist´s workroom of the stone sculptor Christoph Wilmsen-Wiegmann

On April 15, 2023, the students partaking the Creative Writing Workshop on the faculty of Society and Economics together with their lecturer Renate Schmitz-Gebel visited Christoph Wilmsen-Wiegmann´s artist´s workroom lying amidst meadows and fields. Here in Kalkar-Appeldorn the well-known stone sculptor is working for 40 years. Just like Christoph Wilmsen-Wiegmann delicately opens stones to make them permeable for light and glances, the people opened themselves on that day by writing, listening, and speaking in many different languages and showed themselves as permeable for new experience, feelings, and exchange.