The Faculty of Society and Economics offers four bachelor programs and two master programs completely in English. This has enabled us to create a special international atmosphere where German and international students study side-by-side and can directly gain from each other’s experiences. Not only is English the dominant teaching language at the Faculty of Society and Economics. For the majority of our students, communicating with each other in English is also the norm.
All of our bachelor programs incorporate a mobility window in the 6th Semester during which students can either spend a semester abroad at a university or undertake an internship. With 32 Erasmus and 23 world-wide partnerships, they have a choice of 28 countries in which to spend their semester abroad and we are continuously looking to expand our partnerships. We are the most internationally mobile faculty at Rhine-Waal University both in terms of the number of students we send out to our partner universities and the number of incoming exchange students we welcome here. As well as following our regular study programs, we offer incoming exchange students a tailor-made module to introduce them to German politics, society and economics. Our buddy program helps them to feel at home very quickly in the faculty and in Kleve.
Having initially focused on establishing international partnerships for student exchange, we are now concentrating on extending our partnerships to create double degrees, undertaking cross-border student projects and developing teaching exchange. Our first double degree program has been created with Ferris State University, USA, for the bachelor program International Business and Social Sciences. We are working to establish similar programs for International Relations, International Taxation and Law, and Gender and Diversity in the near future. Moreover, we are using our advantageous location near the Dutch border to enable students to increase their knowledge and gain cross-cultural experience by working on projects with students from a number of Dutch universities.
Our international activities also extend to research projects. A particular current focus is on higher education in East Africa. Funded by the German development agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the Faculty of Society and Economics participated in the higher education cooperation project “Research Cooperation with Rwanda in Applied Macroeconomics” between 2015 and 2017, aimed at capacity building in Rwandan economic policy institutions and universities. In a DAAD-funded project, members of the faculty are currently leading a consortium of German universities of applied sciences on “Network-building and Training Measures on the German Model of a University of Applied Sciences in Kenya”.
Academic Advising for Incomings/Outgoings:
Dr. Anne Tempel is exchange coordinator at the Faculty of Society and Economics. She offers advice on the academic aspects of the semester abroad for Incoming Students or Outgoing Students.
Dr. Anne Tempel
Office: 2A 01 015
Phone: 02821 806 73 279