Environment and Energy Labs
Our Environment and Energy laboratories are available for teaching activities, research projects, project activities as well as bachelor- and master theses. We offer a lab for electrochemistry and renewable energies, a lab for environmental monitoring, a lab for bioassays and ecological work and several chemistry labs including a microbiology lab (S2).
The chemistry lab area includes a large lab for practical courses, 4 research labs, 2 temperature-controlled rooms, a lab kitchen and various chemical storage facilities. The lab for practical courses provides room for 25 students and is equipped with 13 fume hoods. The 4 research labs provide analytical facilities for various environmental analyses:
- High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Gas chromatography (GC) to analyse various substances in environmental samples, e.g. PAH (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), Carbonic acids and others
- Thermogravimetric Analysis with Dynamic Differential Calorimetry (TGA/DSC), to analyse different biomass materials and types of plastics
- TOC-L for the analysis of total carbon (TC), inorganic carbon (IC) and total organic carbon (TOC) , as well as total nitrogen (TN) in aqueous samples
- Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) for the analysis of various elements or heavy metals, e.g. in soil samples
- Microwave digestion, for the digestion of various materials, e.g. soil or plants
- Karl-Fischer-Titration-Apparatus: Analysis of water content in liquids or solids
- Luminescence Mulitplate Reader
- Continous real-time biotoxicity detection system, for monitoring of low-level contaminations in (drinking) water
- PCR (Polymerase chain reaction), gel electrophoresis and gel scanner
The labs are equipped with ample glassware and other lab equipment, such as an autoclave, clean benches, incubators, 2 small scale reactors and a 5 L bioreactor, lab dishwasher, pH-Meter, Ionenselective Elektrodes (ISE), magnet stirer, test-tube mixer, centrifuges, hand-held spectroscope, Ultrasound bath, water bath, muffle furnace, rotary evaporator, ball mill, microscopes, stereomicroscopes and various laboratory scales.
- Fuel cell and photovoltaic cell test equipment
- Potentiometer
- Rotating disc electrode incl. double potentiostat
- 2 potentiostates for CV-measurement
- Impedance-Spectrometer with external potentiostat to determine charging and decharging-cycles of batteries
Environmental monitoring
- Particle sampler to measure fine-dust in ambient air
- Fenced outside area
02 00 110
02 00 310
02 01 305
Chemistry Lab Area |
Building 2 | Ground Floor
Opening Times
See white board
Lab Management
Prof. Dr. Irmgard Buder
Prof. Dr. Daniela Lud
Prof. Dr. Ute Hansen
Dr. André Wenda
Email: andre.wenda