Faculty of Communication and Environment

Text: Welcome to HSRW


HSRW participates in winning contribution at the ENLIGHT Impact Award 2024

In June 2024, Inge de Bo (Ghent University, scientific coordinator of the EU-FarmBook project), Eduard Mauri (European Forest Institute, project partner of EU-FarmBook), and Daniela Lud (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, coordinator of the impact activities of the EU-FarmBook project) received the prestigious ENLIGHT Impact Ambassador Award. This honour, which comes with a prize of 5000 euros, recognizes outstanding contributions under the main theme "Digital Revolution and the Impact of Digitalization."

TalentTage Ruhr im Green FabLab

Auch in diesem Jahr beteiligt sich die Fakultät Kommunikation und Umwelt der Hochschule Rhein-Waal wieder mit mehreren Veranstaltungen an den TalentTagen Ruhr. Programminfos und Anmeldung

Bridging Courses at the Faculty of Communication and Environment

Invitation to the Launch Event of the "Sustainability Initiative wir4-Region"

In collaboration with the Förderverein of Hochschule CCL and the wir4 Economic Development Agency, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences will launch a regional sustainability initiative for cooperation between business and academia on June 26 at 5.00 pm. The topic of the kickoff event will be the requirements for companies to report on sustainability issues - "Despite or precisely because of the Supply Chain Act and reporting obligations: Sustainability as an investment in business success."

Spannende Programmpunkte und bestes Wetter am Tag der offenen Tür am Campus Kamp-Lintfort

Am 8. Juni 2024 lud die Fakultät Kommunikation und Umwelt der Hochschule Rhein-Waal alle Studieninteressierten und Wissbegierigen zum Tag der offenen Tür ein. Das abwechslungsreiche, informative Programm und die zahlreichen Mitmachaktionen lockten zahlreiche Besucher*innen auf den Campus in Kamp-Lintfort.


Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
10:00 am - 12:15 pm
Monday - Thursday
1:15 pm - 2:30 pm
and by appointment

ACADEMIC ISSUES (Degree Programmes)

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
10:00 am - 12:15 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
and by appointment
Closed on Fridays
