Don't forget to register for your exams

Please make sure that you register for all examinations you would like to take in the Jan/Feb 2025 examination period between November 04 - November 17, 2024 on HIS in One EXA. If you have got any problems when logging in, please contact the Examination Service immediately and forward a screenshot of the error message.

Missing the deadline will have the consequence that no exams can be taken in the upcoming Jan/Feb period.

Registration is compulsory for all examinations,  i. e. written and oral examinations, projects, term papers and assignments. The only exception are ungraded certificates (Testate). Be sure to note, however, that a certificate is generally not recorded in HIS until a registration has been made.

All dates as well as the instructions for registration can be found here

Please note that you must provide proof of your exam registration. So please print out the relevant Pdf form or save it on your device. You will not be able to sit the exams without having registered on time or without proof. There are no exceptions or hardship regulations.

Your Examination Committee
Faculty of Communication and Environment