Prof. Dr. Niels Ostergaard
Welcome to my page !
What I teach !
I teach engineering mechanics, which basically is the discipline related to forces and what these do to mechanical components and structures. Forces may cause things to bend, break or move – and these effects are examples of what we are calculating in my classes. That is actually even more awesome and action-packed than it sounds. Most people in academia tend to say, that their own discipline is the most important subject in the world. I naturally only differ from the rest of them by that I am actually right.
I will try to upload lecture notes to this page every time I get away with writing something worth sharing with the world without violating somebody’s copyright to something (everybody look to the right !)
What I used to do !
I have been at HSRW since 2015 and came from a job in the offshore industry. I used to work on projects about installation failure of oil and gas risers in ultra deep waters (open access paper here), design of airlift systems for offshore mining operations and qualification of active heave compensation systems. There is something resembling a CV on my linkedin-page.
My research at HSRW has been focused on:
- Application of computational multibody dynamics in packaging engineering (open access paper here and here - result visualizations here)
- Development of a general purpose code for computational multibody dynamics (known as Carla the Kraken - video presentation here, draft code available here)
- Experimental machine dynamics and modal testing (see the figure below)