Academic Student Advice
The programme managers are the first contact points for academic advice for students and prospective students. They answer degree programme related questions on contents of the degree programmes, the course of studies and also help in case of organisational questions. As first contact points, the programme management also refer students, if necessary, to the responsible colleagues within the university.
The functions of the Academic Student Advisory Service include in particular:
- Academic advice on contents of the degree programmes, course of studies and organisation of studies
- Advice on individual examination planning
- Relaying of contact persons within the university
- Advice on recognition of preparatory internships and academic achievements (in master’s degree programmes Learning Agreements)
- Advice on the internship (Bachelor)/Applied Project
The Academic Student Advisory Service is not responsible for the process of enrolment and admission. In case of questions concerning this matter, please appeal to the Student Advisory Service and read the FAQs.
Typical occasions for advice:
„What does the degree programme deal with and what are potential career paths?“
„In which order should I catch up on my missed modules?“
„Is my dream internship academically suitable?“
„I am overstrained by the number of exams that I am registered for this semester. What can I do?“
„Which elective should I take so that I am optimally prepared for my professional aim?“
Contact Persons in the Degree Programmes
Gender and Diversity, B.A.
Head of Degree Programme: Prof. Dr. Ingrid Jungwirth
Programme Coordinator: Katja Flockau
International Business and Social Sciences, B.A.
Head of Degree Programme: Prof. Dr. Philipp Schorn, Prof. Dr. Ralf Bauer
Programme Coordinator: Fabian Dargel
International Relations, B.A.
Head of Degree Programme: Prof. Dr. John Henry Dingfelder Stone, Prof. Dr. Jakob Lempp
Programme Coordinator: Katja Flockau
International Taxation and Law, B.A.
Head of Degree Programme: Prof. Dr. Norbert Dautzenberg
Programme Coordinator: Fabian Dargel
Early Childhood Education, B.A.
Head of Degree Programme: Prof. Dr. Marjan Alemzadeh
Programme Coordinator: Thomas Dercks-Dammertz
Sustainable Tourism, B.A.
Head of Degree Programme: Prof. Dr. Dirk Reiser
Programme Coordinator: Ilona Benkendorf
Sustainable Development Management, M.A.
Head of Degree Programme: Prof. Dr. Oliver Serfling
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Carina Goldbach
Economics and Finance, M.SC.
Head of Degree Programme: Prof. Dr. Hasan Alkas
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Carina Goldbach