Academic Writing Support
What it is?
This is a support specifically designed to assist students in writing their academic papers. Students encountering writing issues such as organizing their written paper, brainstorming ideas and having someone to look at their written work, can receive these services via Academic Support. The uniqueness of this support comes in different forms: it can be one on one via coaching, or via Skype conferences; workshops to enhance students’ writing skills; Online seminars in the Moodle and Academic Writing classes.
Types of Support
Every semester a set of workshops and classes are planned for our students. To see this semester’s workshops and classes please download the poster. On top of that, students can access the Moodle course Academic Writing (see quicklink), which provides additional reading materials and useful articles for self-learning.
Each semester, students receive newsletters from the Academic Writing Support. These will discuss issues or topics on academic writing. Additionally students are reminded of the current on-going support available each semester.
Students who need emergency coaching or advice may contact the Academic Writing Support, during the office hours. Elisabeth Tan, scientific staff methodological skills for social science writing, is always ready to help our students and can be reached via e-mail.
The current courses, workshops and classes that are supported by the Academic Writing Support are:
- Modules "Workshop: Academic Writing" which are part of the curricula from "Gender and Diversity, B.A.", "International Relations, B.A." and "International Business and Social Sciences, B.A.".
- MS Word and Academic Writing
- Basic Citavi (reference management software)
- Citation and Referencing
- Academic Writing 1 and 2
- Guest lectures in the Master’s programs on Academic Writing
New workshops:
- EndNote (reference management software)
- and more
Non- classes support:
- Coaching, in office or via Skype
- Meet up with students to discuss their papers
- Some proofreading
Elisabeth Tan
Office: 03 01 013
Phone: 02821 806 73 331
Skye ID: et_academicwriting
Office Hours: Winter Term 2018
Coaching (Walk-In/By Appointment/Emergencies/Off-Campus via Skype):
Wednesdays 12:00 - 13:00 pm
(Appointment ONLY)
Thursdays: 11:00 - 12:00 am and 14:00 - 16:00 pm
For more updated office hours please go to the Academic Writing Support Moodle via this link: