Faculty of Communication and Environment



Celebratory farewell for the founding president of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences

A celebratory farewell was held today on the Kleve Campus for Professor Dr. Marie-Louise Klotz, founding president of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.

Organspende auf stabilem Weg

Mit dem Thema „Organspende auf stabilem Weg! Neue Aspekte und Entwicklungen im Jahr 2015“ befasst sich der nächste Vortrag im Studium Generale am 5. Mai um 18 Uhr auf dem Campus Kamp-Lintfort, Friedrich-Heinrich-Allee 25, Gebäude 01, 2. OG, Raum 01 02 105.

Stiftung des Kreises Wesel „macht Druck“

Die "Stiftung Standort- und Zukunftssicherung Kreis Wesel" unterstützt das zdi-Zentrum (Zukunft durch Innovation) Kamp-Lintfort durch die Anschaffung von 3D-Druckern für Keramik und Schokolade mit 24.000 Euro. Geplant werden auch gemeinsame Informations- und Fortbildungsveranstaltungen zu dieser Zukunftstechnologie.

Agricultural reforms and consequences for the agricultural sector

As part of the Studium Generale lecture series for summer semester 2015, Elisabeth Verhaag, Expert for Nature Conservation in the North Rhine-Westphalian Chamber of Agriculture, will present on the topic ‘New Frameworks in the new Funding Period – Consequences for the Agricultural Sector’ on Tuesday, April 21 at 6:00 pm on the Kamp-Lintfort Campus (Friedrich-Heinrich-Allee 25, Building 01, 2nd floor, room 01 02 105). The talk will be held in German, and is free to attend.

Discover. Research. Experience

And the winning designer is: Meltem Kalayci! As part of a co-operative effort with the real estate development and management firm RAG Montan Immobilien GmbH, the city of Kamp-Lintfort organised a logo design competition for students of the Information and Communication Design programme at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.


Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
10:00 am - 12:15 pm
Monday - Thursday
1:15 pm - 2:30 pm
and by appointment

ACADEMIC ISSUES (Degree Programmes)

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
10:00 am - 12:15 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
and by appointment
Closed on Fridays
