Technology and Bionics



Graduates of the faculties of Life Sciences and Technology and Bionics celebrated the successfull end of their study times together in the Audimax.

Christmas Lecture

Die berühmte Weihnachtsvorlesung der Fakultät Technologie und Bionik fand in diesem Jahr nach längerer Pause erstmals wieder statt. Im gut besuchen Audimax der Hochschule zeigten (v.l.n.r.) Prof. Dr. William Megill, Prof. Dr. Neil Shirtcliffe und Prof. Dr. Alexander Struck Experimente mit viel Feuer und Rauch, ließen es laut knallen und eine Rakete quer durch den Hörsaal fliegen.

New ideas for campus life

"What could a perfect campus look like?" asked the FSR of the faculty of technology and bionics and Baris Ertemli (left in the picture, with Karthick Onnu from the FSR), student of industrial engineering, delivered the best answer. He won the Shark-Tank-Event hosted by the student representatives of the faculty with his ideas of a study café. Learn more about his idea here.


Electricity from my balcony

Workshop on generating electricity on your own balcony.

Sustainable monuments

Protecting historical monuments also protects the climate – lecture followed by a guided tour.

Portfolio Advice Session

Information and Communication Design, B.A.
Campus Kamp-Lintfort

Generationen im Schatten des Krieges: Der kolumbianische Friedensprozess

Vortrag der Reihe "Forum Internationale Politik"
Campus Kleve

„NATÜRLICH NEU WIRTSCHAFTEN“ with Diplom-Meteorologe Sven Plöger

A lecture based on his book ‘Zieht euch warm an, es wird noch heißer!’
Campus Kleve