Overview for Students

First steps


Before you begin: You must change your password before you can access any IT services.

To do so, please log in at one of the following sites:

https://mail-kle.hsrw.org/owa/ (for Kleve)
https://mail-kam.hsrw.org/owa/ (for Kamp-Lintfort)

These addresses are reachable via the "Freifunk" wlan (Library, Canteen, Audimax) without using username
and password.

After changing your password, you can access all the available IT services.

To access the following services, please use the correct username format. Replace »01234« with your »matriculation number«.

Service Username    
01234@students.hsrw Your username is not your email address! Your email address is:
WLAN eduroam 01234@students.hochschule-rhein-waal.de Please read the instructions!  
sciebo (register) 01234@students.hsrw    
sciebo (access) givenname.surname@hsrw.org Please read the instructions!  
HIS 01234 (If not told otherwise)  
Moodle 01234@students.hsrw    
Online Libraryservices 01234@students.hsrw    
Webex givenname.surname@hsrw.org (seperate password) Register
Copy Systems  01234@ students.hsrw instructions copycard vending machine  


Keep in mind that "01234@students.hsrw" is not your emailaddress!
You emailaddress ist "givenname.surname@hsrw.org".

Please use the "Freifunk" wlan only if you do not have access to any of the other wlan.
Freifunk is meant for people who have no other possibility to reach the internet.
As a student, please use "eduroam".


Access via E-Mail-Client:

E-Mail Setup in external mail clients


Server Kleve: mail-kle.hsrw.org

Server Kamp-Lintfort: mail-kam.hsrw.org

Port: 995 

Verschlüssselung: SSL                  


Server  Kleve: mail-kle.hsrw.org

Server Kamp-Lintfort: mail-kam.hsrw.org

Port: 993 

Verschlüssselung: SSL


Server Kleve: mail-kle.hsrw.org

Server  Kamp-Lintfort: mail-kam.hsrw.org

Port: 587

Verschlüssselung: TLS

Weitere Hinweise erhalten sie in Ihrem Administrationspanel unter:

Kleve: https://mail-kle.hsrw.org/ecp/
Kamp-Lintfort: https://mail-kam.hsrw.org/ecp/

If you can’t log in

Check for typos in your name or email address. If you find any typos, please contact the Student Services to change your personal information.


IT-Support for students

Monday to Friday from 09:30 until 09:45 in room 01 EG 001 (Campus Kleve) and room 04 01 310 (Campus Kamp-Lintfort)

and Monday to Thursday from 13:30 until 13:45 in room 01 EG 001 (Campus Kleve) and room 04 01 310 (Campus Kamp-Lintfort)

You can also contact the IT Support service desk at

  • +49 2821 806 73-199 (Kleve)
  • +49 2842 908 25-199 (Kamp-Lintfort)

    Webex Teams group "Public Chat" or "Students help Students"

    or via email it-support@hochschule-rhein-waal.de.