
Wird das Bauteil wärmebehandelt, dann führt der Härteprozess infolge eines inhomogenen Abkühlverhaltens zu lokal unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen und folglich Werkstoffeigenschaften. Definiert wird jedoch meist nur ein einziger Wert an einer kritischen Stelle, die auch eine Prüfung zulässt. Für die/den Konstrukteur*in bleibt somit offen, mit welchem Wert für die Beanspruchbarkeit der lokale Spannungswert verglichen werden soll, um eine Aussage über die Bauteilsicherheit abzuleiten.


Moving everyday objects with your mind? What was once science fiction has now become reality thanks to modern brain-computer interface (BCI) systems. In this research project, we are exploring how to best connect brain and computer in order to improve the lives of people with limited physical abilities. This interface, for example, would allow patients to communicate without speech and  even control robots solely through brain activity.


Within the start-up project Fluctomation, an innovative, miniaturized flow sensor is being developed which provides information on various flow parameters at the interfaces of very small and inaccessible assembly spaces. A better understanding of the highly complex fluid dynamic effects in boundary layers allows liquids and gases to be transported more efficiently, leading to sustainable technologies and products. The novel sensor system is to be commercialized as part of a spin-off of the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.

Food Pro·tec·ts

Mit dem Kick off-Meeting am 21. Februar fiel der offizielle Startschuss für das Projekt „Food production technologies for trans-boundary systems“. Insgesamt 18 Projektpartner werden grenzüberschreitend zusammenarbeiten, um die regionale Nahrungsmittelproduktion nachhaltig und qualitativ hochwertig zu gestalten. Dabei geht es etwa um die Erweiterung des Verbraucherschutzes, die Reduzierung von Wasser- und Nahrungsmittelausschüssen innerhalb der Produktion, die Verbesserung von Tierwohl und -gesundheit sowie neue Wege bei der Transformation von Biomasse in wertvolle Produkte.

M³S – Modern Man-Machine-Interface

From your pocket to your own four walls: In times of smartphones and smart homes, communication between man and machine is becoming increasingly simple and direct. Haptic interfaces are more and more being replaced by non-contact interfaces, such as speech or facial recognition systems. For a successful integration of such interfaces into everyday use, the underlying systems have to be beneficial for everyone and usable without long training phases. In the M³S project, we develop human-machine interfaces suitable for everyday use, in which mainly EEG data, i.e. brain signals from users, are used to control computers and other external devices. These direct interfaces between brain and machine are also known as BCI, short for Brain-Computer Interface.


PROJECT Ô demonstrates the efficacy of technologies for more circular and sustainable water management systems, by incorporating stakeholder needs and expectations at an early stage of the innovation process, with upstream public engagement initiatives in three demonstration sites.

Website: http://eu-project-o.eu  |  Twitter @EUProjectO


Social appropriation of science and innovation around the world

RRING investigates the global diversity of approaches towards social appropriation of science, from Latin America to Japan, and from Europe to South Africa. The project then aims at developing a global network for collaboration in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) using an Open Access knowledge-base with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals as a common denominator.

Website: http://rring.eu  |  Twitter @RRING_PROJECT