Board of Governors

of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences

Personengruppe bestehend aus 7 männlichen und 3 weiblichen Personen vor einer grünen Weltkarte, welche den Hochschulrat repräsentieren.

Caption (from left to right) Dr. Jari Greiner-Firmenich as representative of the Ministry with the members of the University Council: Professor Stefan Leupertz, Professor Dr. Andy Stamm, Matthias Wulfert, Professor Dr. Daniela Lud, Professor Dr. Aloys Krieg,  Professor Dr. Diana Marquardt, Dr.-Ing. Michael Deilmann, Brigitte Jansen, Professor Dr. Robert Renner.


The Board of Governors (German: Hochschulrat) plays an immediate, strategic role in shaping the future development of the university. It consists of six external members and four internal members employed by the university who hold positions of responsibility in different spheres of society (particularly in science, research, culture or industry) and who can contribute their exceptional skills, knowledge and experience towards achieving the objectives and duties of the university.

The external members of the Board of Governors are:

  • Dr. Corinna Franz (Dezernentin für Kultur und Landschaftliche Kulturpflege, Landschaftsverband Rheinland)
  • Dr.-Ing. Michael Deilmann (Geschäftsführer KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH)
  • Brigitte Jansen (Geschäftsführerin der Wirtschaftsförderung Kreis Kleve GmbH) 
  • Professor Dr. Aloys Krieg (Leiter Lehrstuhl A für Mathematik und Prorektor für Lehre, RWTH Aachen)
  • Professor Stefan Leupertz, (Leupertz Baukonfliktmanagement, Honorarprofessor an der TU Dortmund und Richter am Bundesgerichtshof a.D.) 
  • Matthias Wulfert (Leiter des Geschäftsbereich Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie stellv. Hauptgeschäftsführer der Niederrheinischen Industrie- und Handelskammer) 

The internal members of the Board of Governors are:

  • Professorin Dr. Daniela Lud (Professorin für Umweltbewertung und Umweltsanierung an der Fakultät Kommunikation und Umwelt)
  • Professorin Dr. Diana Marquardt (Professorin für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit dem Schwerpunkt Tourismuswirtschaft an der Fakultät Gesellschaft und Ökonomie)
  • Professor Dr. Robert Renner (Professor für Gesundheitsförderung und Ernährung an der Fakultät Life Sciences) 
  • Professor Dr. Andy Stamm (Professor für Elektronik und Embedded Systems an der Fakultät Technologie und Bionik).

The Board of Governors is entrusted with supervising the Executive Board in the execution of its tasks and duties. Further, it gathers current ideas and insight from society and industry in order to act as an essential advisor for Executive Board decisions. The Board of Directors meets at least four times a year.

In accordance with Section 21 of the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia, the tasks and duties of the Board of Governors include, in particular:

  • contribute to the process of voting in and voting out members of the Executive Board,
  • approve the ‘Hochschulvertrag’, the institutional contract concluded between the University and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as the University´s Strategic Development Plan,
  • approve the budget, commercial activities of the University and the addition of new duties and functions,
  • supervise the economic management of the Executive Board,
  • issue an official statement on the account of the Executive Board and evaluation reports,
  • issue official statements on matters of research, art, teaching and academics which affect the entire University or central institutions, or are otherwise considered fundamentally important,
  • adopt the annual statement of accounts, vote on how to use a remaining surplus or treat an unexpected deficit in the annual budget, and issue formal approval of the actions of the Executive Board.

In accordance with Section 21 subsection 3 sentence 4 of the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia, both external and internal members are appointed for a period of five years by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Photo credit: © HSRW/Johannes Bäumer