6:00 pm
Hochschule Rhein-Waal
Infosession Klever Birne
The Klever Birne sustainability award enters its second round!
Campus Kleve
Gebäude 1, EG 005
Together with the city of Kleve, we cordially invite all interested parties to the joint kick-off event on 30 April 2024. The Klever Birne Sustainability Award honours projects that address at least one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aim to make Kleve a more sustainable place.
Local action has a global impact – find out how the implementation of the 17 SDGs contributes significantly to sustainability and which clever ideas were honoured last year. Be inspired by the evening and network with like-minded people.
Programme of the info session
- What is the Klever Birne and how can I apply?
- A look back: That was the Klever Birne 2023
- Q & A session
- Networking and closing
Want to find out more now? You can find initial information on the ideas competition here.