
2:00 pm

Hochschule Rhein-Waal

Nachhaltiger Campus – Event für Studierende

Are you passionate about sustainability? Do you want to make a real difference on our campus? Help shape the future of the HSRW sustainably.

Campus Kleve
Building 20 (Herzogstraße 30), 03 007
Zwei Frauen sitzen bei Sonnenschein auf einer Rasenfläche vor einem Fluss, im Hintergrund sind mehrere weiße Gebäude zu sehen.

Be part of the change! Help shape the future of the HSRW sustainably.

Are you passionate about sustainability? Do you want to make a real difference on our campus?

Then mark your calendars for an interactive event aimed at harnessing the collective innovative spirit of students at HSRW to drive sustainability forward:

  • What does sustainability mean to you?
  • What sustainability aspects are crucial to you, and how can we pinpoint your specific needs and desires at HSRW?
  • What innovative ideas and proposals do you have for transforming HSRW sustainably?
  • Where are the untapped potentials for sustainability at HSRW?
  • What are the successes and challenges in HSRW’s current sustainability efforts?

Join us as we envision a future where sustainability thrives at HSRW, driven by the passion and vision of its students. Together, let’s shape a better tomorrow.

Event language is English and places are limited. Registration will be open until May 28th. For registration, click here.

This is a collaboration event with the Study Advisory Service of the HSRW.