News Archive 2015

Study on the cooperation between Klever companies and non-profit organizations

In a study for the Freiwilligenzentrum Kleverland - an online survey to cooperation between companies and non-profit organizations in Kleve was done in 2014.

Collaborative interdisciplinary project

As part of a collaborative interdisciplinary project, undergraduates from the International Business and Social Sciences programme at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences worked closely with Dutch students from The Hague University of Applied Sciences to assess and analyse the economic perspectives in Germany and the Netherlands.

KuK-Ma: Eyetracking while driving

"Keep looking while driving!" - So simple is the well-known rule for car drivers. But that even with your eyes open you  have not permanently the road in your sight, the students of the Rhine-Waal University show in this video of "KuK-Ma".

Interdisciplinary project on HR Trending Topics

Interdisciplinary project on HR Trending Topics of the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Veranstaltung der Fakultät Gesellschaft und Ökonomie war gut besucht

Am Donnerstag Abend präsentierte sich die Fakultät Gesellschaft und Ökonomie im Rahmen der Woche der Studienorientierung gemäß des Prinzips „4 Tage – 4 Fakultäten“ einem interessierten Publikum.

Woche der Studienorientierung

Am 15. Januar 2015 präsentiert sich die Fakultät Gesellschaft und Ökonomie von 17 bis 19 Uhr innerhalb der „Wochen der Studienorientierung".


Public Relations

of the Faculty

Society and Economics

Lisa Wolken, B.A.

Scientific Assistant

Tel.: +49 2821 806 73-306

Fax: +49 2821 806 73-44306

E-Mail: Lisa.Wolken@