
2:15 pm

Hochschule Rhein-Waal

Guest Lecture: Reflections on postfeminism and feminist activism today

Campus Kleve
Room 5a EG 002, Campus Kleve

Prof. Desiree Lewis, PhD

University of the Western Cape, Belville, Republic of South Africa

Currently Marie Jahoda visiting professor at Ruhr University Bochum

Currently, there are enormous controversies about what feminism can and should mean

in the context of postcolonial debates, the politics of difference as well as the subversiveness

and ambiguities of aspects of contemporary popular culture.

This talk will reflect on my understandings of feminisms and postfeminism,

focusing especially on my personal navigation of "being a feminist" in the present day.

You will find all information here.

The guest lecture takes place in the course

„Globalization and Social Change“, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Jungwirth,

in the study program Gender and Diversity, B.A.

See you there!