StuPa Members 2020

The Composition of the Student Parliament 2019-2020

The descriptions and portraits of the MPs are provided by themselves at the beginning of their service term. The information provided can change and might be updated with a delay.

Adrian Kühn

List: Compass

Member of the Election Committee

Member of the PR Working Group

My name is Adrian Kühn, I’m 22 years old and I study International Relations in my 3rd semester.

I’m from Bochum, a city not too far from Kleve, located in the beautiful “Ruhrgebiet”.

In my spare time I like to be with friends, travel to interesting countries or events and of course to play football!

We are studying at a young university which is dependent on students to further its development!

I feel responsible to contribute to a positive development of our campus.

As I benefited from previous students who took the effort to improve the conditions at our university, I want to give something back by pushing on this effort for the benefit of future students.

Together with COMPASS, I want to speak up for more direct representation of our StuPa!

I want to give all students of all faculties the chance to hear and discuss what StuPa does!

With the hope to improve the conditions in our Student Parliament and to increase future participation.

I believe with interest and motivation, we as a party can make the next year in StuPa matter!


Ainaz Bahadorikashkouli

List: StuPa LS

No description available at the moment.


Anastasia Gilz

List: Campus KaLi StuPa List

1st Vice Chair from May 22nd 2020 on

Chair of the Student Parliament till May 22nd 2020

Hey, you can call me Nastja.

This is my third legislative period as a Member of StuPa.

My service to the student body has a high priority for me, even being quite busy with several jobs I do for money.

In the last years the StuPa and the AStA made some great progress. The regulations have been improved, ensuring the StuPa has a Quorum in most meetings. A committed and for the most part stable AStA is serving the students well, improving contact with students, own processes, transparency and order every year. The Student Elections have been more and more successful, even if we still have not enough candidates for a real competition.

I have no utopic phantasies about getting every student interested in the work of the different Representative Committees in this University. But for me, the benefits of those are obvious: We learn how democracy works and excersize in debate, organisation and management, we provide support and enrich students' social life and entertainment. This is very, very rewarding.


Basil Hammoudeh

List: StuPa LS

My name is Basil Hammoudeh and I'm a 3rd semester student of bioengineering. I joined the StuPa in order to be of more use to my fellow students, by making sure their needs are being met, and also that the right people are also available and in power to make good changes to our university life.

Member resigned on the 15th of January 2020 due to his position as AStA Department Head


Benjamin Speidel


Member of the Budget Committee

My name is Benjamin Speidel and I`m 21 years old. I study International Relations in my 3rd semester. Like my Party Compass, I want to incorporate your ideas and concerns into the university policy. I would like to bring more awareness to the StuPa and enhance the possibilities available for students to take an active part in the university policy. I am a good listener and I think carefully before acting. I feel that my strength is to listen wholeheartedly to your ideas and to introduce them to the policy. Throughout my voluntary work in an exchange organization and during my year in Panama I have tried to understand other positions and to attempt to create a solution, not to create an ideological confrontation. I like to represent you in the Stupa and I am open to any questions or suggestions that you may have.


Carlotta Husemeyer


Member of the Social Committee

Member of the PR Working Group

Hey, my name is Carlotta Husemeyer and I’m 21 years old. I’m studying sustainable tourism in my 3rd semester. I decided to run for Stupa not just because my study class is underrepresented in StuPa but rather to raise awareness to sustainability on Campus in general. I especially hope that all the ideas that students in University have are heared and that we together have a development for a more exemplary campus and community.  Why Compass? In my opinion it is a lot easier to reach goals when you use the benefit of a party by supporting each other and find realistic solutions. And compass profits from members that already had the chance to gain some experience in University politics and a lot of ambitious new faces.  Next to a lot of students from International Relations I hope to bring some fresh air with my studies and personal interests. The diversed majors HSRW offers just like our diversed backgrounds should be a guidepost for our University.


Chenke Dai

List: ECHO

Member of the Social Committee

My name is Chenke Dai. I’m a fifth semester “Environment and Energy” student from Kamp-Lintfort. It is my first time that I ever study abroad in a really international university, so, I’m passionate about my student life at HSRW. However, not many Chinese students here have joined major organization in student body before. I’d like to make a change and take on challenges, so we can get more students more aware of the changes in our university. I am a good listener. I always like to hear others’ opinions. During conversations with fellow students, some issues, which cause inconvenience to students, are often spoken of. I’d like to use the right that student body empowered me to try build up better communication between student and university department and relevant institutions. In that case, we can bring students more welfare and convenience.


Ferdinand Schreier


Member of the Bylaws Committee

Replacement Member of the Election Committee

Member of the PR Working Group

After studying International Relations at our university for one year I decided to participate in university politics and actively shape our StuPa's legislation. I believe that Compass' main intentions of active representation during the legislation period and always having a quorum are very crucial to make the Student Parliament more efficient, diverse and representative. Alongside that, I hope that my committed Compass colleagues and I will be able to increase the number of voters during the election as well as the number of candidates running for the StuPa in the years to come by creating more attention for the work and the responsibility of the parliament. If you have any questions or ideas about what you might want to change at the Uni let us kno, we would love to hear them!


Husam Abu-Sanimeh

List: Campus KaLi StuPa List

Minute Taker

I am Husam, a 5th-semester student majoring in CME.

I come from Jordan and moved to Germany in 2014. I can talk to you in Arabic, German or English. In Jordan, I have been an active member and once as an administrative member for Arabs and Foreigner club, supporting the refugees club and a project with the ministry of labor to improving locals. Also, I have honored the 1st place for my German Jordanian university two times back to the Jordanian’s Universities Chess Tournament in 2012 and 2014.

My vision is to enhance the power of the students by creating a community that is willing to support and help each other within the University’s life. Issuing periodically A ‘’Magazine’’ or operate project called ‘’Better Call Asta’’ are into the direction of my vision and what I believe is the best for students to the students.

I will stand for a commitment to Transparency for all students, give my vote and support to whom it honestly deserves the most and finally, serve what the students have voted me for.

Let us not avoid reality and have a busy social life with keep being just ourselves.

I am always happy to get to know new people, and you need no reason to start a conversation with me :)

Member resigned on April 28th 2020


Ifeanyi Joseph Mankwe

List: ECHO

Replacement Member of the Election Committee

I am Ifeanyi Joseph Mankwe, I study Mechanical Engineering MSc and Bionics/Biomimetics MSc in the Faculty of T&B, A first time MP.

I joined the University Stupa to understand the government of the University and to bring in improvements where needed especially in the area of in-depth integration of the Internal Students, such that everyone would feel at home in our community, help and be helped, love and be loved for our co-existence especially with the host communities. I notice that a lot of international students find it difficult getting a place to put up on arrival because of they know nobody, I believe that it can be helpful if the University could have links with various groups of nationalities such that in a situation like this, people could be linked to their respective groups(nationalities), this will not only help people in settling better but would also help boost people's confidence on arrival.


Jiangdong Huang

List: ECHO

No description avaiable at the moment.


Jingyi Zhao

List: ECHO

Member of the Budget Committee

Member of the PR Working Group

I am Jingyi Zhao, from southwest of China, currently studying the third semester of Agribusiness. One thing I am amazed about our university is that multicultural atmosphere we have together embedded makes us to have more opportunities to broaden our personal view. And I believe we become stronger as we unite in diversity. Therefore, with this great opportunity being a MP, I would like to represent and speak for students.


Joseph-Conrad Bosambe

List: StuPa LS

Masters of Business Administration (Lincoln University College, Malaysia).

BSc. Microbiology and Parasitology (University of Buea).

Current: MSc. Biological Resources (Rheine Waal University of Applied Sciences).

Leadership Experience

Vice President Emeritus, Faculty of Science Students Association, University of Buea

Member of the University of Buea Student Union (UBSU), 2009-2012

It is an exciting opportunity for me to be part of the international students community in Germany. I am very honored to have been given the opportunity to serve as a member of the student parliament representing faculty of Life Science just within my first year as an international student in Germany. This is in an indication of how Rheine Waal University and Germany as a whole is tolerant towards diversity.

With my previous experience acquired as a student leader, I  look forward to put the interest of the students first as I and my fellow elected members of the student parliament will discuss and delibrate on the issues that affect the entire student body of Rheine Waal University of Applied Sciences.


Katrin Stierle

List: KaLiKS

My name is Katrin Stierle and I’m studying Work and Industrial Psychology in the 7th semester. This is my third consecutive year as an elected member in the Student Parliament. The reasons why I decided to join the Student Parliament have been the same ever since: taking responsibility for both an effectively operating Student Parliament and the well-being of my fellow students as well as representing especially the needs of our smaller campus of Kamp-Lintfort. I am very much looking forward to both campuses Kleve and Kamp-Lintfort being equally popular amongst the students. Hence, I am working on living up to this vision by being a member of the Student Parliament. 


Maria Camila Hincapie Canizales


Member of the Budget Committee

Member of the Election Committee

Member of the PR Working Group

My name is Maria Camila Hincapie Canizales, I'm currently studying Bioengineering in the 3rd semester. I joined the student parliament with Compass as my political party, to participate in student affairs and make the student parliament more popular within the student body and consequently contribute to the improvements needed to the university. 

As a student of Hochschule Rhein Waal, I believe it is important to be involved in university affairs and organizations. The student parliament gives the students a voice in current affairs from all faculties and it is of great importance for me to be part of the decision making impacting students of  Hochschule Rhein-Waal.  I am also interested in working in a team where we could develop and share different skills that are not part of our degrees but are essential for a working environment. 

I am looking forward to work along with my colleagues to make the student parliament a more functional and active one.


Max Liedtke


I am Max Liedtke and currently in my fifth semester studying International Relations. My interest in joining the StuPa again is based on what we wanted to achieve last year and partly achieved, a functioning and representative student body in which the ideas and demands of students are actually realized. Last year we have made the first steps to change, to ensure that this progress will continue I have decided to run for Student Parliament again, to keep the eagerness to change. 

During my spare time, I am very dedicated to competing in sports and with the same dedication, I will pursue to realize your demands and the agenda our party has set out.

Feel free to contact me whenever you feel that there is an issue in the Student Body that needs to be addressed by the Student Parliament.


Maximilian Czaja


Chair of the Budget Committee

My name is Maximilian Czaja and I study International Relations in the 3rd Semester. Born and raised in the beloved city of Lüdenscheid I moved to Kleve in 2018 to pursue higher education at the Hochschule-Rhein Waal.

Being engaged in our institution is the most effective way to keep what we as students want to keep. And it is also the best way to change what we want to change. The Student Parliament as part of the student self-administration is an excellent way to engage in the Hochschule. I hope to help COMPASS to set and achieve goals within the StuPa that are beneficial for all students, from Rhein to Waal.

If you have any request or issue regarding the StuPa don’t hesitate to contact our party or me directly. We will be more than happy to stand up for you in the Student Parliament!


MD Rafiuzzaman

List: Equal Rights Party

Chair of the Social Committee

Replacement Member of the Election Committee

Member of the PR Working Group

Hi, I am Md. Rafiuzzaman. My friends and close people call me just Rafi. I love to socialize with different people. I feel proud to study in Hochschule Rhein-Waal where I have a chance to meet students from more than 115 countries. Apart from students, I got to know a lot of refugees who are living in Kleve city. As I can speak five languages so I used to help the Refugees as an interpreter. From my childhood, I was always engaged in different social activities. Scouting, debating, event management were my favorite things to do. I am a friendly person. I am also an active member of a Start-up community (HSRW) and Astronomie Club. I love to help people with my best effort.


Mike Anfang


Chair of the Election Committee / Election Administrator

My name is Mike W. W. Anfang, I’m 21years old and study International Relations in my third semester here at the Hochschule Rhein-Waal. 

There are plenty of ways the StuPa can support students and their projects through various means, but a minority of the students know about these opportunities. Especially as our university is quite young, we have to use our chance to create a sustainable and transparent environment for the legislative body of our university.

Together with my fellow colleagues from Compass, we want to realize your demands and wishes. 


Sarah Nel Naomi Wieschermann


Vice Chair of the Social Committee

Member of the PR Working Group

Hey there,

my name is Nel Wieschermann. I’m 21 years old and I’m studying International Relations in my third semester. I’m from Moers, a smaller city which is located next to Duisburg and therefore in the ‘heart’ of the Ruhrgebiet. My interest in running for StuPa is rooted in the idea to actively empower gender equality within university life. As a woman and furthermore, a woman of color, women’s rights are a matter close to my heart. Through my work for UN Women DE Team Kleve, I could educate myself on highly important topics like gender inequality and women’s rights. This is the reason why I made the decision to become a candidate. I joined Compass because I strongly believe in the ambitions and efforts to foreground StuPa, to make it fashionable again and to conscientize people. Additionally, more female representatives enrich the party and give women in HSRW politics a stronger voice.


Nick Joel Heim-Fischer


Minute Taker

Member of the Bylaws Committee

Member of the PR Working Group

Nick, 21 years old, sustainable tourism.

If you have any ideas or questions regarding university politics at HSRW just hit me up.


Noor Ait-Issad Haffad


Vice Chair of the Social Committee

Hello everyone,  my name is Noor Ait-Issad Haffad, I’m 19 years old and study International Relations in my third semester. :)

I have decided to take part in Stupa because I want to get involved in university politics, while doing my best to represent all the students and serve their interests. Last year I was the S&E FSR coordinator at Stupa, and could directly see how Stupa worked. However, I didn’t have a direct influence on the decisions that were made, and that is why this year I want to play a more active role :). II chose to join Compass, because I believe in its principles: Transparency, efficiency and active representation. As a new party, I believe it can achieve great things, and actually make things happen.


Philipp Gröll

List: Campus KaLi StuPa List

Chair of the Bylaws Committee

Replacement Member of the Election Committee

My name is Philipp Gröll and I am studying E-Government in the 7th semester.

I decided to run again for StuPa with my list for the third time at a time when it looked like the StuPa would lack experienced members.

Nevertheless, together with my list, I have a political agenda. I am going to bring more transparency and accountability to the students' self administration. This can be achieved e.g. by publishing decision minutes of StuPa meetings right after the meetings, publishing more detailled voting results of StuPa meetings and by establishing a more detailled monthly or quaterly report of the AStA, especially when it comes to inventory and the financial situation.


Rithwick Somayajula

List: ECHO

Member of the Election Committee

No description available at the moment.


Sai Ram Damparala

List: ECHO

2. Vice-Chair of the Student Parliament

Replacement Member of the Election Committee

My name is Sairam Damparala and most of them know me as “Sam”, I am from India currently pursuing studying MSc Bionis/Biomimetics-,4th semester in the faculty of T&B. 

I am running for a member of the Student Parliament in HSRW. I believe in unifying on campus and giving everyone a fair go and say despite gender, nationality, religion or belief. I want to be the voice of my fellow HSRW peers. I would like to create more interaction between the Student Parliament and students on campus in both campus life and matters, in both social and financial matters. I have an abundance of experiences in working on campus and helping people. Hence I would like to have the honor of representing students at HSRW. No more sitting there! It’s about moving forward and creating changes! Feel free to contact us.


Sebastian Ege


Chair of the Student Parliament from May 22nd 2020 on

1st Vice Chair of the Student Parliament till May 22nd 2020

Vice Chair of the Bylaws Committee

My name is Sebastian, I am 21 years old and I am studying International Relations for three semesters now.

This university benefits greatly from student government. To ensure the functioning of such, we need a committed StuPa. My fellow party members and I want to take such responsibility in order to improve university life and ensure that the student body is actually working in your interest.

I already had the opportunity to represent our student community in the examination board and a senate commission. Some may also know me already from being part of the organizing team of KleMUN 2019. Now, I want to contribute my past experiences to guide university politics in the right direction.


Stalin Chriss Castellino

List: Communist Party Cleve

No description available at the moment.


Sridhar Gahtori

List: Soldiers of Destiny

Member of the Election Committee

No description available at the moment.



Taha Faiz Taha Altikriti

List: Sordiers of Destiny

Member of the PR Working Group

No description available at the moment.


Tanawat Arkaravichien

List : ECHO

My name is Tanawat Arkaravichien. Currently I am on the fifth semester of mobility and Logistics program. I have joint the ECHO party believing that all student voices matter and I try make their voices heard. This is my first time which I really get into politics, I slowly learn and absorb the democratic environment. As in my position, I make decisions which based on the benefits of the students. I am considering myself as open minded person. 

I hope that my contributions would solve student problems and lead the university forwards.

Member resigned January 15th 2020 due to Internship.


Tim Dollnik


Hey, my name is Tim Dollnik. I am 20 years old and coming from the lake of Constance in  beautiful southern Germany, but currently studying International Relations in the 3rd semester. This is my first time running for a student body and I am really looking forward to work together with you :

StuPa is arguably the most important student body, since it elects the AStA board and controls the budget for student projects. But still, almost nobody knows much or even cares about it. This is something I want to change: to give StuPa more public importance, fame and popularity. And thereby giving every student the chance to have his or her voice heard inside and outside the meetings. I want to bring StuPa closer to the students as well as the students closer to StuPa to work together for a better Campus for everybody.

Member resigned January 15th 2020 due to his position as AStA Treasurer.


Wenjing Qian

List: ECHO

Vice Chair of the Budget Committee

I am Wenjing Qian, some people know me as Amber, and I pursuing my Bachelor in International Taxation and Law in the 5th semester. I did my internship in Weise International GmbH in Kalkar and I’m also working there as a part-time job.

I am running for a member of the Student Parliament because I want to play an active role in the ongoing improvement of our university and also in its many facets. I see the position of a member in Stupa as an excellent way to be a part of a team that is involved not only in the current student’s lives but also the bigger picture of providing a better place for future students.

Having lived in the Kleve area for 3 years, I have an extensive understanding of the needs of our university. Since I’m always trying to talk to different students, I understand which problems are HSRW students facing. I believe that I have the necessary vision and passion to stand up for the rights of students. I am passionate about making sure that the Kleve and Kali campus have the same opportunities as all other university campuses.


William Anthony Reid

List: ECHO

Member of the Bylaws Comittee

No description available at the moment.