Engineering Summer School

The Engineering Summer School took place in August 2022. 


Short Program Description

The program consists of a 14 day summer school program at HSRW in Kleve, Germany from 1st August through 14th August 2022. The program is structured into two weeks with the first week offering a course in “Mobile Information Devices” including lectures and labs as well as a one day course in “Nanoelectronics” also including lectures and labs. This first course will be a 5 ECTS course and will be offered by Prof. Stamm running from Monday to Wednesday. The second week will have different daily changing subjects on either Nanoelectronics, Laseroptics, Swarm Robotics, Radio Communication Networks or other topics. The lectures of three of these days will be provided by academics from invited partners. An additional day will covered by an HSRW professor offering an additional subject.

The summer school will be accompanied by different excursions and leisure activities.


The planned activities so far are (tentative):

Friday 5th August                             Unimicron (PCB manufacturing plant)

Saturday 6th August                       Zeche Zollverein (Unesco World Heritage)

Sunday 7th August                          free time to explore Kleve city

Thursday 11th August                    German Aerospace Center Cologne (morning)

Thursday 11th August                    explore the city of Cologne (around lunch time)

Thursday 11th  August                   Cologne International Airport (afternoon)



Some evenings and weekends will include planned and self-guided touring activities. Students will receive a stipend to cover at least parts of their expenses (air travel, lodging and meals). The stipend is depending on the distance between HSRW and the partner institution and will be a maximum of 1250 € for students from outside Europe and 800 € for European students. A maximum of 6 students per partner can receive this funding.

Academic staff from partners will receive a stipend of 2500€ for academics from outside Europe and 2000€ for European academics if they stay for the whole two week program. The staff should arrive with the students. The academic staff will be immersed in the first week teaching such as providing help within the labs. This will allow the academic to see how HSRW is teaching as well as to talk to other academics about possible research or teaching cooperation’s.


How to apply

The Engineering Summer School is open for students of the Florida International University, the Florida State University and the University of the Basque.

Please send the following documents to :

  • a short CV including your study programme, year of study and your main interests
  • a motivational letter: Why would you like to join the summer school? What do you expect from the summer school?

Deadline for application is April 30th.



Short Summer abroad Program for HSRW Partner Institutions



Rhine Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW) – Kleve (Germany)



2 weeks



August 01 – August 14, 2022



Doris Gerland, Prof. Dr. Andy Stamm

