New Publication: Parteianhängerschaft in Deutschland – Eine Analyse der Parteien und ihrer Anhängerschaften in Bund und Ländern

Prof. Dr. Jakob Lempp, Prof. Dr. Oliver Serfling und Dr. Jan Niklas Rolf

In the series "Empirische Studien zur Parteienforschung", the book "Parteianhängerschaft in Deutschland - Eine Analyse der Parteien und ihrer Anhängerschaften in Bund und Ländern" by Jakob Lempp, Oliver Serfling and Jan Niklas Rolf was published by Springer in March 2023. The book offers a comprehensive empirical analysis of the supporters of the German parties at federal and state level. Building on introductory chapters on political science party and voter research, the book analyses the supporters of the parties represented in the 20th German Bundestag (CDU/CSU, SPD, Bündnis90/Die Grünen, FDP, Die Linke, AfD) in six individual chapters. The basis for this is a representative survey conducted in cooperation with the market and opinion research company Civey.