International Business and Management*


Information about the degree programme

Our economy is increasingly determined by globalization. German companies in nearly all branches operate internationally at this point. Are you interested in a career at the international level? Then earn your degree in our English-taught undergraduate programme International Business and Management, B.A. and obtain the qualifications you will need for your professional future.

Our degree programme places immense importance on practice-oriented teaching and application. Over the course of your studies, you will build a solid theoretical foundation in business administration, economics and management, while also learning how to effectively apply your know-how and skills for practical purposes through numerous projects with (supra-)regional companies and partner universities in Germany and abroad. Guiding you along the way are approachable professors with extensive industry experience themselves.

During your studies you will develop an array of key skills from how to conduct research, to entrepreneurial thinking, to interpersonal skills that are indispensable in the modern workplace. Through various forms of exams, for example group presentations, you will be given numerous opportunities to improve not only your public speaking abilities, confidence and professional communication skills, but also your teamwork and conflict management skills. And if you are interested in obtaining further qualifications, consider earning a double degree in business with our partner university abroad.

At Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, you will work, study and interact with colleagues in English in a deeply international environment, allowing you to improve your language proficiency and experience other cultures organically as you earn your degree.

What are you waiting for? Let us prepare you for your professional career in international business and management together.

Dual Study

Course Structure

Career Path


Your team of International Business and Management

Head of Degree Programme

Professor Dr. Thomas Lucht
(currently not available due to illness)
Professor of Business Administration with an emphasis on Human Ressources and Organisation


Prof. Dr. Ralf Bauer
Professor of Business administration with focus on controlling and cost accounting






Prof. Dr. Philipp Schorn
Professor of Business administration with an emphasis on accounting and auditing






Degree Programme Management

Fabian Dargel, M.Sc.
Scientific assistant as programme manager with focus on business administration and taxation


* The degree programmes offered are suitable for part-time study in accordance with §62a HG NRW.


Place of study

Campus Kleve

Start date

Winter semester



Duration of study

7 semesters of full-time study

Study model

Full-time or dual studies

Degree awarded

Bachelor of Arts


Mandatory 8-week preparatory internship/work placement. This must be completed no later than the 4th semester enrolment deadline.

Restricted admission


Duration of study for dual studies

8 semesters for dual studies according to the "Gocher Phasenmodell"


Any questions? We're here to assist you!

Information on admission requirements

Actual information on the application process can be found under Application and Admission.

Online-Application via uni-assist

Contact for questions about the application process, admission requirements and enrollment via contact form

Contact for questions about the organization of the study program, study-related counseling and academic guidance:


General information for IB students

General information site on moodle (internal)

Study Schedule IBM (new)
valid from the start of studies in the winter semester 2019/20

Study Schedule IBSS (old)
valid for all students who started their studies before the winter semester 2019/20

