(last update 31.01.24)
- Weidner, K., Wappler, M., Wirth, J., & Nebe, K. (2023). Nachhaltiges Retourenmanagement im Onlinehandel: Kundenanforderungen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten für Unternehmen. Chapter in Mit Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit zum klimaneutralen Unternehmen - Strategische Frameworks und Best-Practice-Beispiele. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden. ISBN: 978-3-658-42484-8
- Xavier Macedo de Azevedo, F., Heimgärtner, R., & Nebe, K. (2023). Development of a metric to evaluate the ergonomic principles of assistive systems, based on the DIN 92419. Journal-Article in Ergonomics, 66(6), pp 821-848. Taylor & Francis Group, London.
- Koopmann, M., Wandtner, B., Thorwarth, M., & Nebe, K. (2023). Measuring Subjective Usability of Medical Devices - Questionnaire Development and Evaluation. In Proceedings Healthcare and Medical Devices, Vol. 79, 2023, 204–215. (Best Student Paper Award)
- Polzer, S., Frahm, M., Freundel, M., & Nebe, K. (2022). Which Factors Influence Laboratory Employees’ Acceptance of Laboratory 4.0 Systems? Chapter in Human-Technology Interaction: Shaping the Future of Industrial User Interfaces, 303–334. Springer, Cham.
- Pfeifer, J., Nebe, K., & Conrads, T. (2022). Transformational leadership, innovation performance and health/well-being. In S. Rehmer & C. Eickholt (Eds.), 22. Workshop Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit Transfer von Sicherheit und Gesundheit (Vol. 1, pp. 319–322). Asanger Verlag GmbH.
- Wirth, J., Weidner, K., Nebe, K. (2022). Prozessmodell für Cross Innovation. Synergien und Wettbewerbsvorteile durch Nutzung und Bündelung vorhandener Ressourcen. Article in CHEManager, Wiley-VCH GmbH 12/2022, p. 14. URL:
- Weidner, K., Wirth, J., Nebe, K. (2021). Innovation Outside The Four Walls: A Cross Innovation Life Cycle Model. 22nd CINet Conference, 2021: Book of Abstracts, pp 651-655. Chalmers University of Technology. Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN 978-90-77360-24-8.
- Wirth, J., Weidner, K., Kampschulte, T., & Nebe, K. (2021). Mapping the Cross Innovation Process - Insights from XI Lab in the Lower Rhine Region. In Piller, F.T., Pollok, P., Diener, K. (Eds.), The 18th Open & User Innovation Conference (OUI 2021): Book of Abstracts.
- Crotty, A., Janecke, P., Cabrera, A., Lichtenthäler, N., Nebe, K., & Kohlen, M. (2021). Development of an open-source digital fabricated diabetic foot monitoring system. Proceedings of the Fab 16 Research Papers Stream, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 155-167. (2nd best paper award)
- L. Dixon, W. Megill, K. Nebe: Trust in Automation: An On-Road Study of Trust in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. 07/2019; Paper in the proceedings of VEHICULAR 2019: The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications; Rome, Italy; IARIA; ISBN: 978-1-61208-720-7
- L. Takahashi, K. Nebe: Observed Differences Between Lab and Online Tests Using the AttrakDiff Semantic Differential Scale. 02/2019; Paper in the Journal of Usability Studies; Vol. 14, Issue 2, February 2019 pp. 65–75.
- K. Nebe, H. Schultz: Grundsätze der ergonomischen Gestaltung assistiver Systeme. 10/2018; Poster at AAL Kongress Karlsruhe - Kongress und Ausstellung zu Alltagsunterstützenden Assistenzlösungen / Active Assisted Living (AAL), Karlsruhe, Germany.
- K. Nebe, D. Ingrassia, A. E. Durmaz: Eco-Design-Sprint for Makers: How to make makers think about the sustainability of their products. 08/2018; Proceedings from the Fab14 + Fabricating Resilience Research Papers Stream, Creating 010, Hogeschool Rotterdam, pp. 27-38. DOI:
- A. Cabrera, K. Nebe, W. M. Megill: FabMaterials: A journey towards a tangible exploration of materials in prototyping. 08/2018; Proceedings from the Fab14 + Fabricating Resilience Research Papers Stream, Creating 010, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 127-139. DOI:
- K. Nebe: Open Making in FabLabs as a Multidisciplinary Course of Study. 05/2017; Position paper at CHI2017 Workshop Proceedings‚ Open Design at the Intersection of Making & Manufacturing’, Denver CO, USA.
- K. Nebe, S. Baloni: Agile Human-Centred Design: A Conformance Checklist; 07/2016 Paper in the proceedings of International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); Toronto, Canda
- K. Nebe, R. Becker, M. Kreymann: Old Traditions and New Ideas - From Coal Mining to Education. 2014; Proceedings of Fab10, Barcelona, Spain.
- F. Klompmaker, K. Nebe, J. Eschenlohr: Towards Multimodal 3D Tabletop Interaction using Sensor Equipped Mobile Devices; 10/2012 Paper in the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services (MobiCase), Seattle, Washington.
- F. Klompmaker, A. Dridger, K. Nebe: Evaluation of Whole-Body Navigation and Selection Techniques in Immersive 3D Environments; 08/2012; Paper in the proceedings of ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), Chicago, IL.
- V. Paelke, K. Nebe, C. Geiger, F. Klompmaker, H. Fischer: Designing Multi-Modal Map-Based Interfaces for Disaster Management; 02/2012; Paper in The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions 2012, Valencia, Spain.
- F. Klompmaker, K. Nebe, A. Fast: dSensingNI – A Framework for Advanced Tangible Interaction using a Depth Camera; 02/2012; Paper in the proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI), Kingston, Ontraio, Canda.
- F. Klompmaker, K. Nebe: Considering Human Factors while Designing IT-Based Rehabilitation Systems for Cardiac Disease Patients; 08/2011; Paper the proceedings of 5th Human Factors Engineering in Health Informatics Symposium, Trondheim, Norway
- C. Grünloh, G. Hartmann, K. Nebe: „Use their tools!“ – „But which one?“ Designaktivitäten und –techniken in Entwicklungsprozessen interaktiver Systeme; 09/2011; Positionpaper at Workshop Design Thinking in Deutschland, at Mensch und Computer 2011, Chemnitz, Germany
- F. Klompmaker, K. Nebe, H. Jung, H. Fischer: Authentifizierte Eingaben auf Multitouchtischen; 09/2011; Poster at Mensch und Computer 2011, Chemnitz, Germany
- K. Nebe, F. Klompmaker, H. Fischer, H. Jung: Neue Möglichkeiten in der Einsatzlageplanung: Multitouch-, Be-Greifbare- und Stiftbasierte-Interaktion; 09/2011; Paper at Mensch und Computer 2011, Chemnitz, Germany
- F. Klompmaker, C. Busch, K. Nebe, A. Bleiker and D. Willemsen: Designing A Telemedical System for Cardiac Exercise Rehabilitation; 01/2011; Article in A. Fred, J. Filipe, and H. Gamboa (Eds.): BIOSTEC 2010, CCIS 127, pp. 112--123. Springer, Heidelberg
- K. Nebe, V. Paelke: Key Requirements for Integrating Usability Engineering and Software Engineering; 07/2011; Paper the proceedings of International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); Orlando, Florida, USA
- K. Nebe, T. Mueller, F. Klompmaker: An Investigation on Requirements for Co-located Group-Work using Multitouch-, Pen-based- and Tangible-Interaction; 07/2011; Paper the proceedings of International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); Orlando, Florida, USA
- K. Nebe, F. Klompmaker, H. Jung, H. Fischer: Exploiting New Interaction Techniques for Disaster Control Management using Multitouch-, Tangible- and Pen-based-Interaction; 07/2011; Paper the proceedings of International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); Orlando, Florida, USA
- H. Fischer, K. Nebe, F. Klompmaker: A Holistic Model for Integrating Usability Engineering and Software Engineering; 07/2011; Paper the proceedings of International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); Orlando, Florida, USA
- V. Paelke, K. Nebe, H. Jung, F. Klompmaker: Multi-Touch Interaction for Disaster Management; 03/2011; Paper in the proceedings GeoViz; Hamburg, Germany
- F. Klompmaker, K. Nebe, H. Jung: Smart Fiducials: Advanced Tangible Interaction Techniques through Dynamic Visual Patterns; 02/2011; Paper at the Workshop Interacting with Smart Objects at International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI); Palo Alto, California, USA
- F. Klompmaker, C. Busch, K. Nebe, B. Senft and D. Willemsen: User Centered Design Process of OSAMI-D - Developing User Interfaces for a Remote Ergometer Training Application; 01/2011; Paper in the proceedings of International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF); Rome, Italy
- F. Klompmaker, K. Nebe: Towards 3D Multitouch Interaction & Widgets; 10/2010; Paper at the Interaction Technique Workshop at 1st International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI); Mâlaga, Spain
- F. Klompmaker, K. Nebe: 2D vs. 3D: Interaktion mit und Visualisierung auf großflächigen interaktiven Displays; 09/2010; Paper at the Workshop „Anforderungen und Lösungen für die Nutzung Interaktiver Displays im Kontext kollaborativer Arbeit“ at Mensch und Computer; Duisburg, Germany
- H. Jung, S. Raupach, C. Reimann, F. Klompmaker, K. Nebe: Kollaborative Interaktion mit geografischem Kartenmaterial auf Multi-Touch Displays; 09/2010; Paper at the Workshop Anforderungen und Lösungen für die Nutzung Interaktiver Displays im Kontext kollaborativer Arbeit at Mensch und Computer 2010, Duisburg, Germany
- P. Schäl, K. Nebe: Semantik in Tagging-Systemen: Ein unterstützender Ansatz; 09/2010; Poster at Mensch und Computer 2010, Duisburg, Germany
- J. Stöcklein, M. Bolte, F. Klompmaker, C. Geiger, K. Nebe : Interaktive Illustration heuristischer Optimierungsverfahren zur Wegeplanung; 06/2010; Paper at 9th Paderborner Workshop on Augmented & Virtual Reality in der Produktentstehung; Paderborn, Germany
- F. Klompmaker, K. Nebe, A. Bleiker, C. Busch, D. Willemsen: User Centered Design of Patient user Interfaces for Remote Training Supervision – A user Study; 01/2010; Paper in the proceedings of HEALTHINF 2010; Valencia, Spain (Best Paper Award)
- H. Reckter, C. Geiger, K. Nebe: A Structured Method for the Development of Computer-Based Musical Interfaces; 12/2009; Paper in the proceedings of the International Conference on Human and Computers; Hamamatsu, Japan
- V. Paelke, K. Nebe: Agile Design Exploration: Examining User Interface Concepts for Future Navigation Systems between World-Viewers and Augmented Reality; 11/2009; Paper in the proceedings of the International Cartography Conference (ICC); Santiago, Chile
- F. Klompmaker, K. Nebe, C. Reimann: TANGIMALS - An Educational Multi-User Tabletop Game; 11/2009; Paper in the proceedings of the Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS); Banff, Canada
- K. Nebe, A. Beck, S. Leuchter: Integration von Software Engineering und Usability Engineering; 09/2009; Workshop at INFORMATIK; Lübeck, Germany
- K. Nebe, V. Paelke: Usability-Anforderungen zur Prozessgestaltung; 09/2009; Paper in the proceedings of the Mensch und Computer; Berlin, Germany
- K. Nebe, V. Paelke: Usability-Engineering-Requirements as a Basis for the Integration with Software Engineering; 07/2009; Paper in the proceedings of the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); San Diego, USA
- V. Paelke, K. Nebe: Dynamic Maps for Future Navigation Systems: Agile Design Exploration of User Interface Concepts; 07/2009; Paper in the proceedings of the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); San Diego, USA
- V. Paelke, K. Nebe: Integrating Usability Engieering and Software Engineering in Mixed Reality Systems Development; 05/2009; Paper in the proceedings of the C3S2E’09, Montreal, Canada
- F. Klompmaker, K. Nebe, C. Busch, D. Willemsen: Designing Context Aware User Interfaces for Online Exersise Training Supervision; 05/2009; Paper in the proceedings of the Human System Interaction (HSI), Catania, Italy
- K. Nebe: Integration von Usability Engineering und Software Engineering: Konformitäts- und Rahmenanforderungen zur Bewertung und Definition von Softwareentwicklungsprozessen; 03/2009; Book (Thesis); Shaker Verlag 2009; 383228074X
- K. Nebe, J. Masuhr, F. Klompmaker, C. Reimann: Context-aware Information Systems for In-Car use: A User Study; 11/2008; Article in the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and
- Telecommunications Engineering' Magazine (i-C@ST Magazine)
- K. Nebe, D. Zimmermann, V. Paelke: Integrating Software Engineering and Usability Engineering; 10/2008; Article in: Pinder, S. (ed.) Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, chapter 20, pp. 331-350. I-Tech Education and Publishing, Wien
- K. Nebe, M. Düchting, D. Zimmermann, V. Paelke: Qualitätsaspekte bei der Integration von User Centred Design Aktivitäten in Softwareentwicklungsprozesse; 09/2008; Paper in the proceedings of the Mensch & Computer 2008, Lübeck, Germany
- M. Düchting, P. Kowallik, K. Nebe: Integration von User Centered Design in agilen Prozessumgebungen; 09/2008; Paper in the proceedings of the Mensch & Computer 2008, Lübeck, Germany
- J. Masuhr, F. Klompmaker, C. Reimann, K. Nebe: Designing Context-aware In-car Information Systems; 07/2008; Paper in the proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, Dublin, Ireland (Mobiquitous 2008)
- K. Nebe, M. Düchting, V. Paelke: Integrating UCD Activities in Agile Software Development; 04/2008; Positionpaper at the Workshop „Optimizing Agile UCD“ at CHI2008, Florenz, Italy
- K. Nebe, V. Paelke: Anknüpfungsbereiche des Usability Engineering und des Software Engineering; 03/2008; Positionpaper at the Workshop „Integration von Usability-Engineering und Software-Engineering“, Esslingen, Germany
- K. Nebe, M. Düchting, D. Zimmermann: Integration von User Centred Design Aktivitäten in Agile Softwareentwicklung; 09/2007; Paper in the proceedings of the Mensch & Computer, Weimar, Germany
- K. Nebe, D. Zimmermann: Aspects of Integrating User Centered Design to Software Engineering Processes; 07/2007; Paper in the proceedings of the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); Beijing, P.R. China
- M. Düchting, D. Zimmermann, K. Nebe: Incorporating User Centered Requirement Engineering in Agile Software Development; 07/2007; Paper in the proceedings of the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); Beijing, P.R. China
- M. Freymann, L. Grötzbach, K. Nebe: Selecting Appropriate Evaluation Methods for Different User Centered Design Outcomes; 07/2007; Poster in the proceedings of the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); Beijing, P.R. China
- K. Nebe, Zimmermann D.: Suitability of Software Engineering Models for the Production of Usable Software; 03/2007; Paper in the proceedings of the Engineering Interactive Systems - IFIP WG 13.2 1st Conference on Human Centred Software Engineering; Salamanca, Spain
- K. Nebe, L. Grötzbach: Integration von User-Centered Design und Softwareentwicklung zur Optimierung von Workflow-Unterstützung; 11/2006; Presentation at World Usability Day, Berlin, Germany
- K. Nebe, L. Grötzbach: Aligning User Centered Design Activities with established Software Development Practices; 10/2006; Paper in the proceedings of the nordiCHI; Oslo, Norway
- K. Nebe: User Centered Software Engineering: Sicherstellung der Integration von Usability Aktivitäten in Software Engineering Prozessen; 10/2006; Guest Lecture at Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- R. Hartwig, T. Koopmann, K. Nebe: Umsetzung eines Nutzerzentrierten Prozesses in der Entwicklung einer Lösung aus dem Gesundheitswesen; 09/2006; Presentation at the Mensch und Computer, Gelsenkirchen-Buer, Germany
- D. Zimmermann, N. Woletz, K. Nebe, M. Freymann: User-Centred Design und Software Engineering: Integration, Prozessbewertung und Auswirkungen auf die Produkt- und Prozessqualität; 09/2006; Workshop at the Mensch und Computer, Gelsenkirchen-Buer, Germany
- K. Nebe, L. Grötzbach, R. Hartwig: Integrating User Centered Design in a Product Development Lifecycle Process: A Case Study; 06/2006; Paper in the proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP ’06), Las Vegas (NV), USA
- K. Nebe, T. Koopmann: Workflow Oriented Product Design: A Case Study; 07/2005; Poster in the proceedings of the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); Las Vegas (NV), USA
- K. Nebe, T. Koopmann: Workflow Oriented Product Design; 07/2005; Presentation at the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); Las Vegas (NV), USA
- K. Nebe, T. Koopmann, S. Laumann: User Centered Design in Healthcare Software Development: The Integrated Radiologists Workspace; 11/2004; Demonstration at OzCHI; Wollongong, Australia
- K. Nebe, N. Woletz: Usability Laboratories - Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches; 07/2003; R. Freitag, W. Dzida, B. Majonica, Paper in the proceedings of the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII); Crete, Greece
- K. Nebe: Analyse und Klassifikation von WWW-Portalen unter dem Gesichtspunkt der nutzerseitigen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten; 08/2001; Diploma Thesis, University of Paderborn, Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics
- R. Bilger, B. Essmann, C. Enklaar, C. Grote, K. Nebe, A. Schlicht, C. Schmidt, H. Beige, C. Schmidt, L. Merkens, T. Bopp, T. Hampel: Novel Client Representations for the Collaborative Virtual Learning Environment steam; 06/2001; Poster in the proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2001 (EDMEDIA); Tampere, Finnland