Prof. Dr. Ingrid Jungwirth
The teaching and research area diversity and inclusion in the social sciences focuses on questions of participation in society. What chances of participation exist and how can participation be enabled? Women and men are equal in law – just as people cannot be discriminated against because of nationality, migration background, skin color, religion, sexuality, forms of living, age and disability. Still, participation in the economy and society is unequally distributed. In addition to these relatively stable inequalities, new forms of marginalization have emerged. These new forms of inequality have developed in the context of encompassing changes in the world of labor, accompanying higher requirements for mobility and flexibility of employees as well as high availability for the workplace. What do these changes have to do with gender, migration history or belonging to other social groups? Can we still regard migration as the exception to the norm, taking a situation of increasing globalization and internationalization into account? What role do norms play in labor and society at all – since “normal careers” and “normal biographies” are no longer singular but individual orientations and decisions have become increasingly important? Do differences regarding class still exist – considering a growing homogeneity between people on the basis of life style? Considering a growing diversity of careers and ways of living together, the research and teaching area diversity and inclusion in the social sciences deals specifically with questions of participation in labor and society as well as the question how organizations and enterprises can do justice to this diversity.
The research fields of Prof. Dr. Ingrid Jungwirth are mobility and migration, gender and diversity studies, sociology of work and gender as well as social theories.
Prof. Jungwirth was last project manager of the research project “Labor market integration of highly skilled migrant women in Germany”, which was funded by the German ministry of education and research (BMBF) and the European Social Fund. The research was located at the Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She was also project coordinator of the joint research project that was carried through at three universities – besides Humboldt-Universität, at Technical University Hamburg-Harburg and RWTH Aachen University.
She obtained her doctorate from the Institute of Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin. Her book, Zum Identitätsdiskurs in den Sozialwissenschaften – Eine postkolonial und queer informierte Kritik an G. H. Mead, E. Goffman und E. H. Erikson, was published in 2007 by the publishing house “transcript”.
Prof. Jungwirth has taught at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Free University Berlin, BTU Cottbus (Brandenburg University of Technology) and HWR Berlin (Berlin School of Economics and Law). She has studied Sociology, Social Pedagogies and German Literature in Berlin and Munich.
Current research
A cooperation project with the ministries for Regional Identity, Communities and Local Government, Building and Gender Equality (1) and for Employment, Public Health and Social Affaires (2) of the land of North Rhine-Westphalia, and Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
June 2021 – August 2022
Completed research (download)
Selected Publications
Complete list of publications (download)
Ingrid Jungwirth/Marziyeh Bakhshizadeh (2021): Wiedereinstieg mit Hindernissen: die Teilhabe von Frauen* mit Behinderung oder chronischer Erkrankung an Arbeit. Gender. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft. (to be published)
Ingrid Jungwirth/Carola Bauschke-Urban (Eds.) (2019): Gender and Diversity Studies. European Perspectives. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Ingrid Jungwirth (2019a): Introduction: Gender and Diversity Studies. European Perspectives. In: Jungwirth, Ingrid/Bauschke-Urban, Carola (Eds.): Gender and Diversity Studies. European Perspectives. Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers, pp. 9-29.
Ingrid Jungwirth (2019b): Boundaries that Matter: workforce diversity in the STEM field in Germany. In: Jungwirth, Ingrid/Bauschke-Urban, Carola (Eds.): Gender and Diversity Studies. European Perspectives. Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers, pp. 261-281.
Ingrid Jungwirth (2019c): Berufswahl und Handlungsorientierungen von Migrantinnen in postsozialistischen Ländern in MINT-Fächern – Anregungen für eine gendersensible und gesellschaftskritische Berufsorientierung. In Schlemmer, Elisabeth/Binder, Martin (Eds.): MINT oder Care? Gendersensible Berufsorientierung in Zeiten digitalen und demographischen Wandels. Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa, pp. 200-219.
Ingrid Jungwirth/Andrea Wolffram (Eds.) (2017): Hochqualifizierte Migrantinnen – Teilhabe an Arbeit und Gesellschaft. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Ingrid Jungwirth (2017a): Geschlecht und Migration in der Lebenslaufanalyse – Berufsverläufe hochqualifizierter Migrantinnen im technischen Feld und darüber hinaus. In: Jungwirth, Ingrid/ Wolffram, Andrea (Eds.): Hochqualifizierte Migrantinnen – Teilhabe an Arbeit und Gesellschaft. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, pp. 33-82.
Ingrid Jungwirth (2017e): Wandel der Arbeit und Arbeitsmärkte – Chancen für hochqualifizierte Migrantinnen? In: Schlemmer, Elisabeth/Kuld, Lothar/Lange, Andreas (Eds.): Jugend und Demographie – Chancen und Risiken für Berufswahl, Familien- und Lebensplanung. Lehr- und Studienbuch. Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa, pp. 368-385.
Ingrid Jungwirth (2016): Geschlechtliche Konfigurationen in grenzüberschreitenden Berufsverläufen von Migrantinnen. In: Vinz, Dagmar/Smykalla, Sandra (Eds.): Intersektionalität und Chancengleichheit. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 177-194. (4th edition)
Ingrid Jungwirth (2010b): Zur Spezifität von Diskursen. Die Rede von Identität in Sozialwissenschaften und sozialen Bewegungen. In: Frietsch, Ute/Wülfingen, Bettina Bock von (Eds.): Epistemologie und Differenz. Zur Reproduktion des Wissens in den Wissenschaften. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 153-169
Ingrid Jungwirth/Karin Scherschel (2010c): Ungleich prekär – zum Verhältnis von Arbeit, Migration und Geschlecht. In: Manske, Alexandra/Pühl, Katharina (Eds.): Prekarisierung zwischen Anomalie und Normalisierung. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 110-132.
Ingrid Jungwirth (2007a): Zum Identitätsdiskurs in den Sozialwissenschaften – eine postkolonial und queer informierte Kritik an George H. Mead, Erik H. Erikson und Erving Goffman. Bielefeld: transcript.
Ingrid Jungwirth (2006): „… to make one battle and one strategy out of a bewildering number of skirmishes“ – Weiße Normativität und Identität in Erik H. Eriksons Identitätstheorie. In: Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne/Gieseke, Sunna (Eds.): Koloniale und postkoloniale Konstruktionen von Afrika und Menschen afrikanischer Herkunft in der deutschen Alltagskultur. Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang, pp. 55-67.