Metro Group guest lecture offers students insights into supply chain management and career opportunities
On 15 January 2024, the Faculty of Society and Economics hosted a guest lecture by the renowned Metro Group. The event, entitled "Supply Chain Management", offered students of Professor Dr Ute Merbecks' course "International Taxation and Law" the opportunity to gain an insight into the company's business model and the importance of supply chain management.
As an international company, the Metro Group presented the students with the challenges and opportunities arising from regulatory requirements, especially with regard to current topics such as sustainability in the supply chain. The discussion on implementing sustainability practices within the supply chain highlighted the need for companies to adapt to increasingly stringent environmental regulations and to develop sustainable business models.
After the lecture, the students had the opportunity to find out more about possible career paths within the company in informal discussions with representatives of the Metro Group. The discussions covered a range of areas from internships to long-term career opportunities and provided students with a valuable perspective on the diversity of career opportunities within an international organisation.