
One cruise ship and two beer please…

Student-excursion to Meyer Werft and Beck’s Brewery

Exkursion zur Meyer-Werft: Gruppenfoto vor Bus
Gruppenbild vor Meyer-Werft/Papenburg
Gruppenbild vor Becks Brauerei

Papenburg/Bremen, 20.-23.11.2023: Students of both degree programmes in International Business and Management, B.A. as well as International Taxation and Law, B.A. had the chance to get deep insights into the world of cruise ships as well as the insights into the German’s favorite cold drink. Programme manager Fabian Dargel organized a student-trip during the reading week for 46 students from Kleve to Papenburg & Bremen. The students not only learned a lot about the historical development of one of the most famous and most modern shipyards worldwide, but also about its future potential. Furthermore, they learned about the production and worldwide commercialization of beer.

This student-trip was not just aiming at getting more input of the individual industry sectors. The group was able to get to know each other in a more personal atmosphere. They developed their soft-skills and learned the importance of networking – with fellow students and teachers. An exciting agenda included several team-building activities in order to strengthen the sense of community. Within those, the students as well as teachers worked in a very creative manner.

Community, Committment and practical orientation – that’s studying IBM & ITL at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.
