Prof. Dr. Alina Huldtgren

Alina Huldtgren is professor of the design of digital media. She teaches basics such as interface basics, design research, prototyping & code in the bachelor programme information and communication design as well as digital media project in the master programme digital media.

Her background is in media informatics and human-computer interaction. She wrote her dissertation in the latter field. Through her studies and academic work she has international contacts to Sweden, the Netherlands and the US.

Her research is focused on user-centered design methods (UCD, participatory design, design thinking) to create digital solutions in form of websites, apps or interactive products. One focus lies in the development of new interfaces for health, wellbeing and care. Her research is published in international conferences and journals.



Prof. Dr. Alina Huldtgren

Professur Design of Digital Media

Hochschule Rhein-Waal

Friedrich-Heinrich-Allee 25

D-47475 Kamp-Lintfort

E-Mail: alina.huldtgren

Tel.: +49 2842 90825 9709