Facilities of the University
Access to the latest quality-checked information is essential for academic success. Whether print or digital, you‘ll find the information and media you need through the University Library. If we don’t have a book you need, it can often be ordered from other libraries through interlibrary loan.
Our team will support you from your first semester to graduation with guided tours, training seminars and helpful advice on effective literature searches and using library resources to their fullest potential. Our publication service enables open-access publishing of results from courses and projects as well as thesis papers.
The University Library in Kleve and Kamp-Lintfort is a place for studying as well. Individual and group work areas (with or without PCs) offer space for quiet study or active group discussions. Borrowing and returning media is a breeze with our self-service terminals, including a 24-hour terminal in Kleve.
More information about registration and all library services can be found on our homepage.