Rhine-Waal University Alumni Network

Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences wants to keep in contact with its alumni!
We invite you to become an active part of our growing alumni community and stay connected to the many peers and professors you came to know during your studies.
Besides, the Alumni Network offers the following possibilities and advantages:
- You stay up to date on new developments in the University, your faculty and degree programme
- You get access to exclusive offers and services
- You receive invitations to events and online-seminars
- You are part of an active exchange between academia and industry
Membership in the Alumni Network is free of charge.
Register now!
Stay connected by registering for our Alumni Network.
To register, please complete our webform: Register for Alumni Network
Center for research, innovation and transfer
Coordinator Alumni
Lisa Waberg
Definition Alumni
What does "Alumni" actually mean? Alumni is derived from the Latin verb alere "to nourish" and means former students. The term is not synonymous with "graduate" since one can be an alumnus without graduating.