Kleve Model United Nations (KleMUN)

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We are excited to announce KleMUN 2024! 

Kleve Model United Nations (KleMUN) is a student-organized simulation of the United Nations. Every participant plays the role of a diplomat, representing a country, a few will also act as the press. Together we will discuss global issues, in the Committee Sessions, held in English. You will learn how politics work, how to form alliances and how to come up with resolutions. And this fall we will go all out, we are planning to host 80 delegates in the idyllic town of Kleve.

The KleMUN is for everyone, whether you attended none or multiple MUNs, you will be able to enjoy the lively debates as well as participate in unique events such as the delegates’ ball. Do not miss out on your chance to obtain new skills, make new friends, and have fun. Take part in something big, we are looking forward to meeting you.

This year’s conference takes place from the 8th to 10th of November 2024 under the topic: " Dare to make your change, you put the full stop ".

This year's committees are the following:

UN Women 

Promoting women’s rights is essential, yet often overlooked in many parts of the world. That is why this Committee will concern itself with gender equality and justice, striving to create a more balanced and inclusive future. In our KleMUN 2024 it will address the balancing of religious practices with the promotion of Women’s Rights.


The Disarmament and International Security Committee deals with global challenges and threats to peace that affect the international community and seeks out solutions to the challenges in the international security regime. During KleMUN 2024 it will concern itself with the challenge of overcoming the ongoing tension in the South China Sea dispute and the integration of military systems by urging universal transparency with regard to military matters.


The Human Rights Committee is the body of independent experts that monitors the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by its States parties. The Committee will address the “serious breaches” of International Law and Human Rights Violations.

Historical Committee

This is our special Committee where YOU can choose the topic. A possible topic could be: “9/11: Assessing the international security measures/ structural policies and their effect on Human Rights”. Follow our Instagram @klemun2024 to take part in the decision-making process.


The United Nations Security Council was founded in 1946 after the Second World War and is primarily responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security on the global level. Located in New York, USA, the Security Council is composed of 15 members of which five are permanent veto powers and ten being non-permanent members. Moreover, it responds to threats and breaches of international peace. This year the Security Council will address the Human Rights of the Uyghur Population in the People’s Republic of China.