Johannes Pfeifer

Research Associate for Psychology

As a research associate at the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, my research interests include emotion research, performance, recovery and health, physiological processes, as well as coaching, counseling, mediation, and positive psychology. I manage the laboratories for the psychology programs. I work on integrating scientific insights with practical applications to promote both individual and organizational development and achieve sustainable improvements in performance and well-being.

Pfeifer, J., Schürmann, V. & Stoberock, B. (2018). Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Nutzerfreundlichkeit medizinischer Informationssysteme. In Trimpop, R., Kampe, J., Bald, M., Seliger, I., Effenberger, G. (Hrsg.), Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit (20). Kröningen: Asanger.

Pfeifer, J. & Wild-Wall, N. (2020). Schlaf im Kontext Leistung und Gesundheit. In Trimpop, R., Kampe, J., Bald, M., Seliger, I., Effenberger, G. (Hrsg.), Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit (21). Kröningen: Asanger.

Brinkmann, C., Gohl, P., Mack, D., Pfeifer, J., Palmada Fenés, M., Harzer, O., & Zöllner, B. (2022). The importance of effect sizes when comparing cycle threshold values of SARS-CoV-2 variants. PLoS One, 17(7), e0271808.

Pfeifer, J., Nebe, K., Conrads, T. (2022). Transformational leadership, innovation performance and health/well-being. In Rehmer, S. & Eickholt, C. (Hrsg.), Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit (22). Kröningen: Asanger.


Supervised Theses (Translated)

Mental strength, (work) resilience, and coping strategies in sports

Acceptance of Employee Assistance Programs

Partner bonding strategies & partner value

Empirical investigation of the relationship between work-related resilience, personality, mental health, and career success

Women in leadership positions

Grit: A qualitative study of individual resource use in competitive CrossFit sports

Gender differences in stress perception, coping, and preferred stress management strategies

Emotional intelligence and stress management: A quantitative study of the relationships between emotional intelligence, coping strategies, and demographic variables

Emotion regulation in the workplace: The impact of using different emotion regulation strategies following a professional setback on resilience outcomes

Procrastination in the academic context - The influence of academic procrastination on academic performance considering personality traits and gender

Validation of a (summarized) curiosity scale

The relationship between narcissism and career success - the moderating role of political skills

Effects of multimedia on self-efficacy and motivation. An empirical study based on chess problems

Morbid curiosity in Germany and its emotional and cognitive consequences, the role of true crime consumption

The relationship between social isolation and loneliness depending on the individual need for belonging - A questionnaire survey during the Corona pandemic

Do clothes make the man?

Justice and commitment in organizations - Perceived organizational support as an influencing factor

“Age stereotypes – Current research status on age stereotypes in the workplace and outlook on further research”

Change management - The importance of trust in leadership in the acceptance and attitude towards organizational change processes

The relationship between the Big Five and anxiety

Media trust in times of crisis

Social relationships at work and their impact on perceived psychological stress at work considering resilience

Analysis and operationalization of process characteristics of collaboration

Exploration of the relationship between the Dark Triad and curiosity

Work engagement and related constructs in an employee survey: Scale validation

Impact of working from home on job satisfaction

Does increasing performance pressure and mental illnesses such as burnout and depression also increase drug and medication use in the work-related context, and how can this be prevented?

Collaborative task management and debriefings: Influences on individual learning gains and team satisfaction

Observing collaboration among students in a problem-solving task: A qualitative analysis

Nudging in occupational health and safety

Curiosity, age, and cognitive performance

The Imposter Phenomenon in the World of Work: Exploring the Implications for Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour while considering the Impact of Perceived Organizational Support

Is gossip just for the curious? An empirical analysis of the influence of epistemic and social curiosity on gossip motives, attitudes, and behavior

Barriers and drivers of personal action for sustainability and the environment

The relationship between trait curiosity and incidental memory

The influence of epistemic and social curiosity on leisure behavior

Working despite illness. An empirical analysis of the influence of job satisfaction on presenteeism at work

Academic performance and life satisfaction of students: A crossed-lagged analysis

Precrastination and the role of stress, self-efficacy, and personality

The influence of career-related ambiguity tolerance on difficulties in career-related decisions - an empirical study

Stress as a factor influencing job satisfaction? An empirical study of group-specific differences in stress perception and the effects of stress on job satisfaction

Nudging in corporate health management Potential and challenges of nudging for occupational health and safety in companies

Opportunity and risk. A critical assessment of the ethics of artificial intelligence

Impact and significance of employer branding on social media platforms for Generation Z

A quantitative cross-sectional study of interindividual motivational determinants in turnover intention and knowledge sharing intention of employees

Nudging sustainable consumer behavior in online retail. An experimental study on the (combined) effects of social norm and commitment nudges

An investigation of the reciprocal effects of relevant study success determinants

What impact does appreciative feedback from direct supervisors have on employee job satisfaction and motivation, and to what extent does perceived organizational support influence this?

Development of a scale to measure mindfulness in teams

Development and evaluation of behaviorally anchored rating scales to capture student collaboration in the university context

Development and evaluation of behaviorally anchored rating scales to capture student collaboration in the university context

Affect regulation in the sports context: The impact of using different affect regulation strategies following a sports setback on resilience outcomes

Error management and organizational success: The impact of organizational error management on organizational success and the mediating role of psychologically safe working teams and employee personality traits

Error management and organizational success The impact of organizational error management on organizational success and the mediating role of psychologically safe working teams and employee personality traits

Is there a connection between company onboarding and employee retention?

The impact of willpower depletion on emotional assessment: An experimental study

Understanding the effect of AI and learning environment on academic performance, student life, and well-being

The relationship between personality, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness

How does interorganizational collaboration between disaster and civil protection forces influence the formation of shared mental models?