UN Day Kleve 2015
On Wednesday 15th April over 300 members of the public and students of the Rhine-Waal University gathered to attend United Nations day. The event, which was hosted by the AStA International Department, was designed to engage students in discussions about issues related to the UN as well as creating an event that supports the relationship between the citizens of Kleve and students.
Participants enjoyed a range of events including presentations from HSRW UNICEF team, Kleve Model United Nations, AIESEC, Current Affairs Society and Haus Mifgash. Erika Edwards gave a talk on gender based violence, refugees from Iraq recounted their experiences on integration into German society and Prof Brand (Faculty of Society and Economics) gave a brief introductory lecture on former UNESCO Director-General, Mr Federico Mayor Zaragoza. The special guest of the day was Mr Mayor himself, who was able to give a speech over Skype. He explained his experience working for the UN and spoke passionately about the importance of becoming free and educated citizens. Afterwards the audience was given a chance to ask questions and discuss issues with Mr Mayor.
The day was completed with cultural dancing and dining, with a buffet of cuisines from a range of European, Asian and African countries, prepared by students.