"Sustainable Niepkuhlen" - Join the dialogue

Urban water bodies can revitalise residential areas and increase the quality of life in residential neighbourhoods but they are influenced by climate change, e.g. in dry summers. This also applies to the Niepkuhlen area in the north-east of the city of Krefeld. Within the framework of the project "Sustainable Niepkuhlen", the city of Krefeld would like to invite interested citizens to exchange ideas on its future sustainability. So join in for a walk in the area on either October 1, 8 or 31. The Environment and Energy degree programme supports the project in form of a bachelor's thesis.

 The bachelor's thesis will examine the stakeholders engaged in the dialogue and the ecosystem services they are especially interested in. The according data will then be processed to support the communication with citizens.

All citizens interested in the cooperation are welcome to contact Prof. Dr. Lud daniela.lud@hochschule-rhein-waal.de or Marie-Christine Klanten marie-christine.klanten@hsrw.org. by mail.

Registration is required for the on-site walks in Krefel. Please find more information on https://www.krefeld.de/de/inhalt/stadtverwaltung-laedt-zu-drei-niepkuhlen-spaziergaengen-ein/