Successful Symposium on "Working with Newcomers”

The symposium "Working with newcomers/ Samenwerken met nieuwkomers" on June 7, 2023, met with an enthusiastic response. Initiated by the Samenwerkingsverband Burgerkracht Europa (SBE), a network of organisations to which Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences is an associate partner, the event comprised a total of 14 workshops as well as panel discussions, in which lighthouse projects on important topics relating to welcome spaces and the integration of newcomers were presented.

Photo: HAN_ University of Applied Sciences | Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen | Zorgalliantie/ Krachtige Kernen

The symposium "Working with newcomers/ Samenwerken met nieuwkomers" on June 7, 2023, met with an enthusiastic response. Initiated by the Samenwerkingsverband Burgerkracht Europa (SBE), a network of organisations to which Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences is an associate partner, the event comprised a total of 14 workshops as well as panel discussions, in which lighthouse projects on important topics relating to welcome spaces and the integration of newcomers were presented. In these workshops, the actors addressed concrete initiatives of residents, municipalities/administrations and civil society organisations in German-Dutch and Belgian rural regions. During the workshops and the following meal, the participants also shared suggestions for improvement, which were discussed in a concluding panel.

 "We are completely overwhelmed by the great interest in the exchange," summed up Ben von Essen - co-initiator from the SBE- "A week before the event, over 150 participants had already registered for the event in the premises of the Arnhem-Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences."

The symposium marked the successful start for the project of the same name, which is co-financed by the European Union and the programme partners as part of the Interreg Germany-Nederland project fund.

In the coming months, further events will follow in Germany and the Netherlands to deepen and complement the results of the symposium. The follow-up dates as well as the developed contents can be requested by email from the German project partner RheWaTech- Rhein-Waal Institut für Technologie ( or via Arnhem-Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences (



The Interreg project "Cooperation with Newcomers/ Samenwerken met nieuwkomers", is a cooperation of the lead partner Vereniging DKK Gelderland, the Landelijke Vereniging Kleine Kernen, the Stichting Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen- HAN University of Applied Science, Flüchtlingshilfe Alpen e.V. and RheWaTech- Rhein-Waal Institut für Technologie g UG on the topic of accompanying newcomers. During the project period of 7 months (1.5.2023- 31.10.2023) they are supported by numerous associated partners such as the Samenwerkingsverband Burgerkracht Europa (SBE) and Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. The project is made possible by the Interreg Programme Germany-Nederland with its programme partners and co-financed by the European Union (EU).