Successful presentation of the "Monterburg” students’ project
After taking first place in the poster competition, the students of the Faculty of Communication and Environment presented their interdisciplinary project including a self-produced film to an enthusiastic audience.
Supervised by Professor Zimmer and Dr Dießenbacher, the students of the Media Informatics degree programme have spent an entire semester studying the history of Monterburg. They have closely cooperated with the "Monterberg e. V." association, which aims at archaeologically researching the historic Monterburg castle site.
With their project, the students successfully supported the association by producing an informative and illustrative film about the history of the castle. For this purpose, they did extensive research, conducted interviews with experts on site, worked through the historical background in the form of a small play and animated an abstract 3D reconstruction of the 13th/14th century Monterburg.
They now presented the result of their work to an enthusiastic audience. Among those present were representatives of the Hanse-Gilde-Wesel, numerous members of the "Monterberg e.V." association, including its board member Carsten van Dornick, Boris Schuffels, scientific documentarian of Linn Castle, as well as the actors in the film.
The association "Monterberg e.V." is very happy about the film and hopes that it will help to gain further support for the research and preservation of the castle.
Inspired by the successful presentation, numerous ideas for further joint projects have already been developed.