Student of "International Relations" honored with DAAD-Award

The 2015 DAAD Award winner Genis Panisello-Valldepérez, who is in his sixth semester of studies in International Relations BA (Faculty of Society and Economics).

Within the festive semester opening at the university on 21st of September Mr. Genís Panisello-Valldeperez, student of the course "International Relations", will be honored with this year's DAAD-Award. The award is presented annually for good academic record as well as remarkable social and intercultural commitment to an international students of our university. As Head of International  Affairs of the student council, Genís Panisello-Valldeperez has mainly initiated and organized many projects and activities, e.g. the UN Day 2015. We congratulate him and as his home Faculty we look forward with him about this award!

