Rhine-Waal University and Fitchburg State University deepen collaboration

Rhine-Waal University and Fitchburg State University have further expanded their collaboration. Prof. Dr. Sanjay Kaul, Professor of Engineering Technology, visited the Faculty of Communication and Environment from June 9th to June 19th to strengthen cooperation in the field of renewable energy and sustainability.

During his stay, Prof. Dr. Kaul delivered guest lectures on electromobility and sustainability, engaging in discussions with students about the possibilities of achieving a sustainable transformation of our society. Additionally, intensive discussions were held with Prof. Dr. Irmgard Buder on renewable energy in developing countries, with the aim of a joint publication.

Prof. Dr. Kaul was particularly impressed by the technical capabilities of the two Fablabs in Kamp-Lintfort, as well as the history of the former coal mining site. To conclude his visit, he participated in an excursion to the Eifel National Park led by Prof. Dr. Hansen, where strategies for national park management and monitoring were presented.

On June 22nd 2023, the presidents of both universities signed an Articulation Agreement to further intensify collaboration. In addition to the existing cooperation, a deeper partnership in the field of sustainability, such as through a master's program, will be pursued. Prof. Dr. Kaul and Prof. Dr. Abdel Mustafa will maintain close exchange with Prof. Dr. Buder.


Ralf Darius