Poster Award 2019
These are the winners
An integral part of every degree programme at the Faculty of Communication and Environment is an interdisciplinary project in the 5th semester. This year again, a total of 20 project groups dealt with a wide variety of research topics and presented their results at the annual poster session. Afterwards the jury announced the following winners:
The first place
went to Katja Rau, Rahel Janßen, Sophia Rosenthal, Kira-Anna Ferber, Merle Hoebel and Matthias Beck for their project poster on "Change Management - Safety Culture at thyssenkrupp". Supervised by Verena Schürmann, M.Sc. and Vera Hillen (thyssenkrupp), the team of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Mobility and Logistics as well as International Business Administration students developed recommendations for actions that could help to reduce the company's accident rate. To this end, they first used a questionnaire to collect data on error culture and organizational awareness. In addition, they conducted interviews with steelworkers and management. The results of the project will shortly be presented to the tyssenkrupp Executive Board.
The second place
went to Luca de-Graaf, Florian Schmitz, Jonas Schmitz, Niels Nowack, Seshathri Krishnamoorthy, Meghana Lokesh, Jan Kulisch, Michael-Geza Major and Sapana Acharya for their project poster "Visualization of Zelem Castle". Supervised by Prof. Dr. Frank Zimmer and Prof. Dr. -Ing Ido Iurgel, the students of the degree programmes Media Communication and Computer Sciences, Information Engineering and Computer Sciences, as well as Communication and Information Engineering reconstructed the historical Zelem Castle in the form of a digital, highly detailed 3D model. They visited the Arden family, the present inhabitants of the castle, measured the building and took numerous pictures for the reconstruction. They also occupied themselves with historical documents, which show Zelem in the 15 century. Thus, they managed to create two different versions of the castle. The picture shows the different epochs and the modelling compared with the documents.
The third place
went to Etinosa-Peter Odia, Ivan-Stoyanov Tsekov, Sohan Ahmed, Dominik Tenelsen, Ibrahim Khalil, Sachin Kumar, Amir-Abdullah-Md Faruk, Mahesh Kumar, Nitin Bhati, Yoana Kutsova and Bahar Sohaleh. Their project "Control Panel for Search and Rescue Drones (Phenix)" was also supervised by Prof. Dr. Frank Zimmer. In cooperation with the fire brigade Kamp-Lintfort and the research project Phenix of Rhine-Waal University, the students of the degree programmes Media Communication and Computer Sciences, Communication and Information Engineering, as well as Information Engineering and Computer Science developed the prototype of a Mission Control Panel for search and rescue drones. The aim was to develop a panel that rescue teams could easily operate in critical emergency situations in order to assess even indoor fire situations as quickly as possible with the help of a drone.