Bridging Courses at the Faculty of Communication and Environment

Bridging courses are intensive courses you can take before starting your studies. They are voluntary and do not carry any credit-point value towards your degree. Bridging courses are designed for students who may not meet the assumed knowledge requirements and want to bridge the gap between school and university studies.

Please find the currently scheduled bridging courses for the period September 02 - 13, 2024 below. Please note that the programme may still change at short notice. If you are interested in one or more of the courses on offer, please register by web form. The deadline for registration is August 18, 2024 at 11.59 pm.

You will receive all access data and further information between August 19 and August 25, 2024 by e-mail after registration.


Bridging courses between September 02-06, 2024

Time and Date Topic Language Lecturer
9 am - 10.30 am 
11.30 am - 1 pm
Mathematik German M. Weber
9 am - 1 pm 
Mathematics English MASt M.Sc. 
A. Austin


Bridging courses between September 09-13, 2024

Time and Date Topic Language Lecturer
10 am - 12 pm 
Mathematik German M. Weber
9 am - 1 pm 
Statistik Deutsch S. Lauderbach, M.A.
2 pm - 6 pm
Statistics English S. Lauderbach, M.A.
1.30 pm - 3.30 pm 
4 pm - 6 pm
Physics English K. Shehu


Course contents

Mathematik (German)

  • Logik und Mengen
  • Elementare Beweisverfahren
  • Zahlensysteme 
  • Gleichungen und Ungleichungen 
  • Abbildungen/Funktionen
  • Folgen
  • Differenzierbarkeit
  • Vektorräume und Vektoren


Mathematics (English)

  • Formalism in social sciences 
  • Functions – fundamentals and applications 
  • Exercises and solutions Via Webex 
  • Equations – fundamentals and applications 
  • Matrices – fundamentals and applications 
  • Exercises and solutions Via Webex 04.09.2024 
  • Differentiation – fundamentals and applications 
  • Exercises and solutions Via Webex 05.09.2023 
  • Integration – fundamentals and applications 
  • Exercises and solutions Via Webex 
  • Financial mathematics – fundamentals and applications 
  • Exercises and solutions


Statistik (German)

  • Teil I: Deskriptives, Lagemaße und Streuung: Mittelwert, Standardabweichung, Ausreißer, Boxplot und Punktdiagramm, Normalverteilung, Schiefe, Kurtosis.
  • Teil II: LaPlace-Wahrscheinlichkeiten, Münzwürfe, P-Wert, Urnenmodelle, Parameterschätzung, Konfidenzintervall, Signifikanzniveau, Alpha und Beta Fehler.
  • Teil III: Statistische Tests, Anpassungsgüte, Optimierungsverfahren, Funktionsweise Chi-Square und Student T-Test (H0/H1 Test).
  • Mini-Aufgabe Chi-Square Goodness of Fit am Beispiel einer Tüte M&M. Case study: Problem des Handlungsreisenden.


Statistics (English)

  • Day 1: Descriptive statistics & relationship between variables (mean, median, quantiles, (co)variance, correlation)
  • Day 2: Probability & set theory (random variables, Laplace, urn problem, conditional probability, Bayes' theorem)
  • Day 3: Distributions & graphical representations (discrete/continuous distributions, probability density function, cumulative density function) 
  • Day 4: Estimations & hyptheses (point & interval estimations, confidence-intervals)
  • Day 5: Statistical tests & outlook (t-, chi-square-tests)


Physics (English)

  • Physical quantities
  • The power of  10
  • Dimensions and units, calculating with units
  • Significant figures 
  • Derivatives and Antiderivatives
  • 1D Motion
  • Vectors
  • 3D Motion
  • Dealing with systems of equations
  • Trigonometry
  • Complex numbers