5th Ethics Day on Kamp-Lintfort Campus

The buzzword "poly-crisis" describes an enduring state of profound and diverse challenges, which is manifested in conflicts at various levels: from global climate change, wars in the Middle East and Ukraine to local farmers’ protests and the rise of populism. 

Many feel overwhelmed and resigned, perceiving themselves as powerless. Yet, the key to addressing the poly-crisis may lie within personal and regional contexts. Everyday actions can make a difference, serving as role models, and catalyzing significant change. Thus, the journey towards a sustainable society requires the willingness to participate: "Who will save the world?" emerges as the central question in actively tackling challenges and crafting solutions together. 

The 5th Ethics Day at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences is dedicated to this mission. Through expert lectures and interactive workshops, participants will be encouraged to join in, seeking pathways out of powerlessness and actively shaping transformation.  

The Ethics Day will be moderated by Johanna Horn.

Unless otherwise indicated, the events will be conducted in German with English subtitles.

1.00 pm Welcome
Dr Oliver Locker-Grütjen 
President of Rhine-Waal University
1.15 pm Keynote
The art of transformation 
Professor Dr Dr Stefan Brunnhuber
Medical Director and Chief Physician, Diakoniewerk Zschadraß
2.00 pm Presentation 
A transformation of Europe? Will populists govern Europe in the future?
Professor Dr Alexander Brand
Professor Dr Jakob Lempp
Rhine-Waal University
2.30 pm Break
3.00 pm Impulse
Greening the town – addressing the biodiversity crisis through participation
Professor Dr Daniela Lud
Rhine-Waal University
3.15 pm Impulse
The blind spot in waste management: Citizen engagement against linear trends in the circular economy 
Professor Dr Timo Kahl
Professor Dr Kai Jörg Tiedemann
Rhine-Waal University
3.30 pm Break


As the number of participants for the workshops is limited, we kindly request prior registration 

Workshop 1: 
Who will change agriculture? – Visions of a sustainable future
The demands on agriculture, horticulture, and our entire food system are escalating due to rising societal expectations and challenges stemming from climate change and globalization. Agricultural businesses, in particular, feel increasingly constrained by resulting regulations but also recognize the necessity for change. This dilemma is further exacerbated when criticism arises from other quarters, suggesting that the pace of agricultural transformation is too slow. The workshop on transforming the food system as a societal imperative illustrates the perspectives of various interest groups interactively and guides participants in collectively understanding the different roles in the process of change. This shift in perspective can help to outline new impulses toward a shared vision of a sustainable future for agriculture and food systems.
Professor Dr Florian Wichern and Barbara Arntz | 
Rhine-Waal University

Workshop 2: 
Energy: Requirements and future of our energy supply
The energy crisis of 22/23 underscored the critical importance of energy. Whether it is the transportation of people and goods, industrial production, or everyday comforts like heated spaces, warm water, cooling, lighting, and communication - energy is indispensable. However, the costs of energy skyrocketed in 2022, prompting a reevaluation. Although prices have since stabilized somewhat, there are now other concerns that drive our attention to energy.

Germany has set ambitious goals: By 2030, it aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide, by 55% compared to 1990 levels. By 2045, Germany seeks carbon neutrality, which entails drastically reducing or eliminating the use of coal, oil, and gas. How can these targets be met, and what might the future of energy supply, particularly for households, entail? This prompts us to explore various facets: the diverse forms of energy needed, the energy demands of typical household activities, current energy provision methods, and alternative approaches.

Our workshop aims to tackle these questions head-on. Following a brief introductory presentation, we will engage in discussions on the potential contours of an energy transformation and the possible roles of emerging energy forms such as geothermal and hydrogen.
Professor Dr Irmgard Buder and Dr. André Wenda | Rhine-Waal University

Workshop 3:
The role of science in societal transformation: Are established patterns sufficient or do we need new forms of social cooperation?
Scientists have long been calling for action against the threats to our foundations of life and economy. The "Fridays for Future" movement emphasizes the urgency of comprehensive transformation with the plea "Listen to Science". But is it enough for science to provide insights while society simply listens and implements solutions? Doesn't science offer more potential for change when it works hand in hand with all societal actors?

This collaboration not only holds opportunities for new, more profound solutions but also challenges science itself and our understanding of transformation. Ethical considerations play a central role here, both as guiding principles for the scientific system and as driving forces for a realignment of societal cooperation.

In this workshop, we are going to present new approaches and understandings of science and its potential. We shed light on how ethical principles can shape the relationship between science and society and what new avenues of collaboration may result from this. We will discuss how innovative forms of cooperation, such as transdisciplinary projects or citizen science, can contribute to solutions and provide space for creativity and exchange.
Dr Jan-Hendrik Kamlage, Dr Klaus Krumme, Dr Marion Krämer, Dr Vanessa Meinen | Rhine-Waal University

Workshop 4 (in English):
Visionary solutions for sustainable recycling: citizen participation and circular economy as a perfect match
Plastic waste has become a pressing issue in public perception, yet the actual sorting and treatment of plastic waste often lag behind perceived technical advancements. The presentation sheds light on the background of this misunderstanding and introduces an app-based approach to citizen engagement. Following this, a workshop will showcase the technology behind plastic sorting using practical examples. Participants will have the opportunity to identify their own plastic waste using infrared fingerprinting and learn about a pilot project for community-based plastic recycling. The fingerprinting process is embedded in the development of a smartphone app, allowing interested citizens to access information on the correct disposal of various packaging by scanning product barcodes and exploring recycling options.
Ubaida Dib, Sandoval-Betanco Jefferson-Josue, Marwin Wiegard | Rhine-Waal University

5.45 pm Keynote 
Renunciation and Freedom: Beyond Survival Spaces for the Future
Professor Dr Jean-Pierre Wils
Radboud-University Nijmegen
6.15 pm Panel Discussion: 
Who will save the world? Shaping transformation in times of poly-crisis
Professor Dr Dr Stefan Brunnhuber
Bärbel Höhn
Professor Dr Jean-Pierre Wils
7.00 pm Socializing
Live Band: Soundscaper


Supported by
Förderverein Hochschule Rhein-Waal e.V.
Förderverein Campus Camp-Lintfort e.V.
Rotary Club Kamp-Lintfort/Grafschaft Moers

In Cooperation with



Date and Time

June 5, 2024 | 1.00 pm


Kamp-Lintfort Campus
Friedrich-Heinrich-Allee 25
47475 Kamp-Lintfort
Audimax | Building 1


We kindly request registration for both the event (non-binding) and the workshops (binding, as the number of participants is limited) through our Online form 


Email: ethik@hochschule-rhein-waal.de