Public Lectures / Presentations

Most recent:

Stethoskop statt Lautsprecher: Evidenzbasierte Wissenschaftskommunikation als Motor für die Community Medicine.

Institut für Community Medicine, Uni Greifswald



Designing and facilitating focus groups with experts

Institute for Integrated Management, UN University

More than just making waves: The deep waters of evidence-based science communication

World Water Week (Denmark)

Social Innovation: State of art in theory and practice

Offenes Seminar der Deutschen Transferallianz



Science Communication Research: Past Patterns and Future Perspectives

International Association for Media and Communication Research Annual Conference (Kenya)

An Introduction to RRI in Theory and Practice

Summit on the Future of Socially Responsible Research and Innovation (Ireland) 

Mapping Out the Field of Science Communication Research

Science & You Conference (France)

Inclusive Governance for a Water-Smart Society

EASME Water Europe (Belgium)

Diversifying training models to transform science communication education

PCST Conference (Scotland)

Research Gaps and Opportunities in Science Communication 

PCST Conference (Scotland)



Covid...     :-(



The Future of Science Communication

Science Gallery, Dublin (Ireland)

Pathways for policy, from paradigms to practice: how to mainstream RRI

Interreg Policy workshop on Open, Social, Responsible Innovation (Belgium)

Science engagement: redefining the uneasy relations with politics and policy?

World Science Forum, Budapest (Hungary)

Evidence-based science communication

Paris Accords of Science Communication, hosted by the National Press Foundation

Conference Center of the Marriott Rive Gauche hotel, Paris (France)

Responsible Innovation: Challenges for Science Communication

Library of DG Research and Innovation, Brussels (Belgium)

Research Reconsidered: From Impact to Implications, and from RRI to Open Science

Israel Institute of Technology, TECHNION (IL)

Cross-institutional Evaluation Strategies in Science Communication 

CERN, Geneva (CH)

Journalism in a Transdisciplinary World

World Conference for Science Journalists, Lausanne (CH)

Opening: Pathways to Transformation - Insights from global institutional RRI experiments

Brussels (BE)



Why the better argument doesn't necessarily win: 

how to communicate science in a politicized world

Keynote, BeeCare Conference, Bonn (DE)

Tackling transdiciplinarity: pathways for systemic change

Keynote, German RRI Summit, Ruhr University Bochum (DE)

Workshop Series and other public talks on Upstream Engagement in Argentina, Costa Rica, and Mexico:

Caravana por la Comunicación Ciudadana de la Ciencia

Trust in Science: the shared responsibility of managing expectations

European Researchers Night, Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL)

Annual NUCLEUS Conference

Opening Talk, University of Malta (MT)

STEAM Summer School & Annual Conference

University of Malta (MT)

Scicomm researchers and science communicators –

bridging the divide 

ESOF EuroScience Open Forum, Toulouse (FR)

Rethinking Openness in Science: Systemic Implications of Reintermediation Replacing Mechanisms of Transparency

EASST 2018, Univesity of Lancaster (UK), Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology

Mapping and Measuring the Inclusiveness of Citizen Science

Living Knowledge Conference, Budapest (HU)

Informal science education in the bigger picture of science in cultural contexts

Israeli Institute for Technology / Technion, Haifa (IL)

Managing Shared Responsibilities in Science Communication: Universities and their Socio-political Environment;

Gothenburg Science Festival, Keynote (SE)

Opportunities and risks of a globalisation in science communication: future perspectives 

PCST World Conference 2018, Dunedin (NZ)

Science Communication training across the world:

Conclusions from a curriculum analysis

PCST World Conference 2018, Dunedin (NZ)

Science communication and socio-environmental problems:

the case of water and forests

PCST World Conference 2018, Dunedin (NZ)

Landing on reality though a future scenario:

a case on responsible research

PCST World Conference 2018, Dunedin (NZ)

Knowledge and skills that define a professional science communicator

PCST World Conference 2018, Dunedin (NZ)

Policy dimensions of upstream engagement:

reflections on systemic change towards transdisciplinarity

PCST World Conference 2018, Dunedin (NZ)

Towards more socially robust research: Entering the era of evidence-based science communication

Karolinska Institute, Stockholm (SE)

The (Garden?) Pathways to Impact: Evaluation Challenges for Social Robustness of Science

Trieste (IT), Symposium at the School for Advanced Studies on the "The changing nature of science between commercialisation and flawed metrics"



Construyendo puentes desde la differencia: Hacia una red global de la communicatión pública de la ciencia // 

Building Bridges Beyond Differences: Towards a Global Network for Public Communication of Science

15th Conexiones Congreso, RedPOP, Buenos Aires (AR)

Formación de la próxima generación de comunicadores de la ciencia e innovación: tendencias internacionales // Training the next generation of science and innovation communicators: international trends

Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia, Bogotá (CO)

Using Trust Research for Building Trust in Research: Stakeholder Management in Communicating Food Science and Innovation

EUFIC: Understanding science in the post-fact era, Brussels (BE)

NUCLEUS Annual Conference (Project Lead)

Hannover (DE)

Evidence-based Science Communication (Conference Host together with Jennifer Metcalfe)

Rockefeller Premises, Bellagio (IT)

Transdisciplinarity at the Heart of Scientific Culture

Beijing (CN)

Communication as the Key for Managing Shared Responsibilities

Interdisciplinary RRI Conference, Bielefeld University (DE)

From Science Marketing to Upstream Engagement

Berlin Institute of Technology / TUB (DE)

Making medical research socially robust: Communication as the key to anticipate social implications of science

Global Health Lecture Series, Heidelberg (DE)

How to write for a lay audience about highly complex matters

European Science Journalism Conference, Copenhagen (DK)

Reinventing Science Journalism in the Age of Disintermediation

European Science Journalism Conference, Copenhagen (DK)

STEAM Summer School

Marathon (GR)

Making Upstream Mainstream

Science in Public conference, Sheffield (UK)



Unlocking the Door: Communiation as Key to Science and Innovation

RVC Annual Conference, Sochi (RU) 

Managing Shared Responsibilities in Science and Innovation Communication

National Science-Society Conference, Belgrade (RS)

Bridging the Gaps: Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Challenges in Science Communication

University St. Petersburg (RU)

Beyond a Public Understanding: Researching New Horizons in Science Communication

Chinese Research Institute for Science Popularisation (CN)

Bridging the Gaps: Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Challenges in Science Communication Research, Practise, and Training

National Academy for Innovation Strategy (CN)

Public Engagement 2.0: Review and Outlook for the NUCLEUS Project

Lyon (FR)

Engaging Stakeholders at the Science/Society Interface:

Trans-cultural Challenges, and Trans-disciplinary Solutions

Institute for Science, Innovation & Society, Radboud Uni (NL)

Never change a running system: Wie veränderungsbereit ist die Akademia wirklich?

Responsible University Day, Universitaet Vechta (DE)

Several lectures and workshops during our International Science Communication Summer School

Rhine-Waal University, Kleve (DE)

Academia und Gesellschaft: Wie die Digitalisierung die Wissenschaftskommunikation verändert

Andrassy University, Budapest (HU)

Pick Your Fight! How Political is Science Communication Today?

Bayer, Leverkusen (DE)

Opportunities and Challenges for National Public Engagement Strategies

South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement, Pretoria (ZA)

Beyond Media Relations: New Horizons in Science Communication

Stellenbosch University (ZA)

Evidence-based Science Communication: Theory and Methods for Professional Practitioners

Italian Institute for Advanced Studies, Trieste (IT)

Demystifying RRI: Towards a More Anticipatory Governance

Responsible University Symposium, Leuphana University Lueneburg (DE)

Becoming a product-placement: science communicators, learn to communicate on your own behalf!

14th PCST World Conference, Istanbul (TR)

Training the next generation of science communicators

14th PCST World Conference, Istanbul (TR)

Issues of RRI in Science Journalism

14th PCST World Conference, Istanbul (TR)

What do You think makes for responsible science and its communication?

14th PCST World Conference, Istanbul (TR) 

Panta rhei: Facing the Changes in Science Communication Today

Comm4Science Conference, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg (DE)

Antrags- und Projektpraxis im Forschungsprogramm Horizon 2020

Tagung zur Europäischen Verbundforschung, Katholische Hochschule, Köln (DE)



Mehr als nur Marketing: Hochschulkommunikation im Wandel

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt (DE)

Evaluation: Von der Wirkungsmessung zur Governance

Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Nürnberg (DE)

Die Verbindung von RRI und Kommunikation

Wissenschaftsladen Bonn (DE)

Microblogging in der Wissenschaft

Universität Oldenburg (DE)

International Trends in Science Communication -- a Global View

ITMO University, St. Petersburg (RU)

Changes and Challenges in Science Communication Today

Andrássy University, Budapest (HU)

The Entrepreneurial Side of Science Journalism

World Science Forum, Budapest (HU)

Social Media in Science

Jade-Hochschule Oldenburg (DE)

Wandel in der Wissenschaftskommunikation -- Erwartungen, Herausforderungen, Chancen

Qualitätspakt Lehre der Bundesregierung, Berlin (DE)

Responsible Research and Innovation as a Communication Challenge

Beijing Association of Science and Technology (CN)

Science and its communication -- a global perspective

Royal University of Phnom Penh (KH)

Partizipation für alle? Anforderungen an einen authentischen Wissenschaftsdialog

Universität Oldenburg (DE)

Evidence-based Science Communication, 

Science & You conference, Nancy (FR)

Redefining Public Engagement: the 'Physics' of Evidence-based Science Communication,


What would Humboldt say? Teaching communication with a research-learning approach

World Communication Forum, Davos (CH)

Sprungbrett oder Sackgasse? Chancen und Risiken der Wissenschaftskommunikation für die akademische Laufbahn, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (DE)

Einführung in die Wissenschaftskommunikation: Praxis, Perspektiven und Forschungsstand, TU Berlin (DE)


Transcultural Approaches: Teaching and Researching Science Communication Differently, Annual Science Communication Conference, British Science Association, Surrey University / UK

Open Science, Closed Communication: Why Social Media in Science is a Cultural Instead of a Technical Challenge, Annual Science Communication Conference, British Science Association, Surrey University / UK


How Academia misses out on Social Media, 13th PCST World Conference, San Salvador / Brazil

Cities of Scientific Culture: Final inside report from "PLACES", 13th PCST World Conference, San Salvador / Brazil

The emergence of modern science communication, 13th PCST World Conference, San Salvador / Brazil


How Science Debates build new dialogues between research and society, 13th PCST World Conference, San Salvador / Brazil

International Science Communication -- Introducing a New Approach, 13th PCST World Conference, San Salvador / Brazil

Scientific Citizenship: Challenges and Opportunities, International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government, Danube Unviersity, Krems


Alles bleibt anders -- Wissenschaftskommunikation 2020, Universität Rostock


Open Innovation - Open Science - Closed Communication, BMBF-Zukunftskongress, Berlin



Perspectives of Open Science Communication in Europe, International Open Science Conference 2013, Moscow

Grundlagen der Wissenschaftskommunikation, Universität Bayern e.V., Munich

Wissenschaftskommunikation im Wandel, Hochschulrektorenkonferenz HRK, Bonn

Wissenschaft im Web: Nachholbedarf, Chancen und Herausforderungen, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg

Partizipation und Transparenz in der Wissenschafts- und Forschungspolitik, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

πάντα ῥεῖ – Alles bleibt anders in der Wissenschaftskommunikation, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, Greifswald

The Role of Social Media in International Academic Research & Cooperation, Excellence on Tour 2013, Hyderabad /Indien


Open Science without Scientists, European Intersectoral Summit on the Role of Media in Responsible Research and Innovation, Trinity College, Dublin

Trends in der Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Communities, FH Nordwestschweiz, Zürich



Social Media Governance in der Wissenschaft, 5. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Dresden

Denkschule Innovationskommunikation: Forschungsfragen, Anwendungen und Berufsperspektiven, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

Wie Soziale Medien den Wissenschaftsjournalismus umkrempeln, 4. "Tag des Wissenschaftsjournalismus" in Berlin

Wissenschaftskommunikation: Forschungsfragen, Strukturwandel, Berufsperspektiven, Deutsches Museum, München

Social Media als neues Leitmedium der Wissenschaft, Symposium

Wissenschaftsmarketing, Akademie der Wissenschaften BBAW

Megatrends der Wissenschaftskommunikation, ScienceComm 2012, Rapperswil / Zürich

Kommunikation als Managementaufgabe, Jahrestagung des Bundesverbands Hochschulkommunikation, Dresden

Grand Challenges and Future Trends in Science Communication, Annual EUPRIO Conference, Gothenburg / Schweden

Online Trends in Science Communication, COSCI 2012 Konferenz "Science and the Internet", Universität Düsseldorf

Im Zeichen des Medienwandels: Trends und Berufsperspektiven für Wissenschafts- und Innovationskommunikation, design akademie Berlin

Learning from the dialogue: The end of dissemination for science as an integral part of society, EU-Konferenz "Science in Dialogue", Odense / Dänemark

Open Science without scientists? Dealing with the backlog in communication, 12th Intern. Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, PCST, Florenz / Italien

Academia im Web: Aufbruch in die 5. Phase der Wissenschaftskommunikation, TU Berlin

Innovation und Kommunikation: Lösungen und Perspektiven für den Medienwandel, Tagung Innovation als Thema in den Medien, Akademie für politische Bildung