Graduate Survey

of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences


In summer semester 2016 Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences became one of the 80 universities across Germany and Austria participating in the Graduate Survey Cooperation Project (KOAB). Data collection and analysis of the research project are coordinated by the Institute of Applied Statistics (ISTAT). The goal of the project is to survey recent university alumni on their education and career status around 1.5 years after graduation. With accompanying project support from ISTAT. INCHER Kassel initiated the KOAB project together with the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in 2007 – alumni from participating universities are surveyed using a standarised online questionnaire.

Surveying recent graduates of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences can produce valuable insights into not only the quality of our degree programmes, but also students’ transition from university to the world of work. In turn, alumni get the chance to provide feedback on their degree programme and rate how well it prepared them for the realities of professional life. The University can also learn more about the fields and professions our alumni are currently in and their working conditions.

Survey for 2018 graduates

Our current survey efforts are focused on alumni who earned their bachelor’s or master’s degree in the 2018 academic year (graduation in winter semester 2017/18 or summer semester 2018). If this applies to you and you’ve recently received an invitation to take part in our online survey, then we kindly ask you to participate! You’ll need a maximum of 30 minutes to complete it. 

We’re interested in using your retrospective look back at your studies to support the continued development of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. How would you rate your degree programme now in hindsight? Have you gone on to pursue a new degree or a doctorate, or are you currently employed, on parental leave etc.? How would you describe your current job situation? Your insights and experiences can play an important part in improving the quality of our degree programmes and bridging the gap between university and industry.  Each and every contributing voice is important to us, because the more participants we have, the more representative the survey results will be.

Results of the survey

Alumni feedback is an important source of information for Career and Alumni Services, our academic advisory service and other advising services at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. In addition, ISTAT compiles the survey results of all participating universities into comprehensive reports, giving helpful context for data and allowing universities to carry out comparative statistical analyses.

To take part in the survey for 2018 (WS17/18, SoSe18) graduates, please click here!

Data protection measures for surveying graduates of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences 

Participation in the graduate survey is anonymous and voluntary. The anonymous data is collected and processed by ISTAT (Institute of Applied Statistics) on a server belonging to ISTAT.

Within the scope of this project, graduates’ address data is used by Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences for the sole purpose of sending invitations to participate in the graduate survey. At no time is address data provided to third parties. For organisational reasons, it’s necessary for us to know who has participated in the survey. To that end, each questionnaire includes an access code in the form of a personal identification number (PIN). This code is transmitted to ISTAT. After the project’s initial field work phase (invitation and participation), all address data will be subsequently deleted. Address data and questionnaire data are kept strictly separated such that it is impossible to establish any kind of connection between the two.


Björn Flockau

Please contact us with any questions or suggestions regarding the graduate survey at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. You can contact us by phone at +49 2842 90825 9629 or by email at