Kathrin Smolarczyk, M.A.

Research associate in the project "EnvironMINT"


Since 2022, I have been working at the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences in the Faculty of Communication and Environment with Prof. Rolf Becker as a research associate in the third-party funded project "EnvironMINT". Before that, I completed a Master's degree in Empirical Educational Research at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and then worked there for more than four years at the Chair of Empirical Educational Research as a research associate in various third-party funded projects and lecturing. 

The project "EnvironMINT" ( running period 09/2022 - 08/2025) is part of the BMBF funding guideline on conditions for success of STEM education and investigates the conditions for a successful collaboration of schools and Fab Labs with children, parents and peers for self-determined, sustainable and creative making as a form of holistic STEM education using a participatory and iterative research approach. 



Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

Smolarczyk, K., Birnbaum, L., Christ, A., & Kröner, S. (2024). Children’s and adolescents’ engagement with music and the potential for (digital) empowerment processes: A text-mining-supported scoping review. Psychology of Music, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/03057356241241535

Smolarczyk, K., & Kröner, S. (2023): Two decades in the making: A scoping review on research on digital making and its potential for digital empowerment in non-formal settings. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 

Smolarczyk, K., Wießnet, V., Birnbaum, L., & Kröner, S. (2022). The effects of setting and music on the intention to participate in out-of-school music classes: An experimental video vignette study. Psychology of Music. 50(2), 345-364. 

Christ, A., Smolarczyk, K. & Kröner, S. Schwerpunktthemen der quantitativ-empirischen Forschung mit Bezug zur Digitalisierung in der kulturellen Bildung: Eine kartierende Forschungssynthese. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11618-023-01210-7  


Birnbaum, L., Flasche, V., Hasselhorn, J., Jörissen, B., Kröner, S., Lehmann, A.C., Lill, F., Smolarczyk, K. & Wießnet, V. (2020). Kondensiertes Glück? Komplexe Forschungsdesigns zur Entwicklung musikpädagogischer Interventionen. In: Timm, S., Costa, J., Kühn, C. & Scheunpflug, A. Kulturelle Bildung. Theoretische Perspektiven, methodologische Herausforderungen und empirische Befunde (pp. 317-334). Münster: Waxmann.