Successful end-of-year review of the cross-innovation project

The cross-innovation project is now - like the year 2022 - coming to an end and draws a very positive balance from the activities of the past three years. In total, there have been more than 200 cooperation with small and medium-sized enterprises, more than 40 innovation methods have been tested and evaluated, 28 workshops with and for companies have been designed and 12 of them have been carried out with regional actors from different sectors, 8 demonstrators have been developed, a Cross-Innovation-Day has been organized, eight scientific publications have been published and much more.

A milestone in the "Cross Innovation Lab-Niederrhein" was the development of a process model for Cross Innovation, which allows the implementation of this special form of innovation in companies. With this, the Cross Innovation team of Rhein-Waal University succeeded in creating principles and solutions for companies that want to successfully implement a cross-innovation approach.

More information on the process model was provided by Ms. Jutta Wirth in a recent article published in the CHEManager, the Wiley-VCH GmbH (trade and business journal for executives in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and related sectors).