Peace Day – AStA HSRW


On Friday, 27th November, the AStA, inspired by UN’s World Peace Day, organized the first edition of Peace Day at HSRW on campus Kleve.

The event gathered over 350 participants and was designed to involve students in discussions about peace, conflicts and how to achieve long-lasting peace worldwide. The program included talks, debates, and workshops from 2pm until 10pm in order to offer diverse and interactive experiences.

The Peace Day started at 2pm in the context of Prof. Brand’s lecture on terrorism with a Skype talk titled "Conflict transformation as a counter-terrorism measure". The talk was given by Mr. Naakow Grant-Hayford, co-founder of the Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice.

Afterwards, the AStA organized three theatre workshop sessions on world peace leaders and UNICEF Hochschulgruppe Kleve staged a workshop on Syria with the help of Syrian refugees. The mix of international and German students, refugees, UNICEF volunteers and Kleve locals was already obvious at that point!

Meanwhile, some students enjoyed the Skype talk and conversation “Peace and the African continent” by commissioner Albert Bwire from Kenya, as other students had fun drawing the Peace Wall at the Audimax. The official program closed with peace songs by the HSRW Choir, speeches by AStA representatives, Ms Pawelke and Mr Manheim (Haus Mifgash), who conveyed their personal experiences and reminded us that we can contribute to peace now and here with our small daily activities.

Last but not least, the day was completed with singing, dancing and dining (again, a buffet with dishes from all around the world), and the International Neon Party at Radhaus, organized by the AStA and the FSRs.

Some figures:

•    30 volunteers from the AStA and UNICEF

•    40 cooks from 15 different countries

•    around 100 students singing and dancing

Do you want to see more photos from the event? Here’s the complete coverage:

You can also listen to the Campus FM report at Soon, you’ll also be able to watch the video recorded by Campus TV at


Genís Panisello Valldepérez

