Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia appoints new Board of Governors

State Secretary Annette Storsberg takes opportunity to visit Kleve Campus

Annette Storsberg, State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia, has appointed a new Board of Governors of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. Before the appointment ceremony, she took a detailed toured of the Kleve Campus together with the Executive Board.


State Secretary Annette Storsberg has formally presented official appointment certificates to the ten members of the Board of Governors, signifying their appointment to a new five-year term in office. The certificates were issued in a ceremony with the Executive Board of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences in attendance.

Prior to the ceremony, State Secretary Storsberg was welcomed by the Executive Board and taken on a tour of the Kleve Campus. The tour included insight into innovative features of the campus, technologies in place and current research being conducted at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. The hands-on tour provided a full overview of ongoing developments at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences and deeper insight into the University as an organisation.

After the tour, the constituting ceremony for the new Board of Governors was held. State Secretary Storsberg wished both new and re-elected members success in their future duties: “I would like to thank you all for your commitment to Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. I am confident that you will be able to contribute your experience and professional expertise to this committee. You will be instrumental in continuing to shape the profile of this young university,” she said.

The Board of Governors is made up of members from both within (internal members) and without (external members) Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. The external members are: Dr-Ing. Michael Deilmann, Development Manager for Sensory Systems at KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH; Brigitte Jansen, Member of the Board for the Moers-branch of the communal business development organisation wir4; Milena Karabaic, Head of Culture and Landscape Preservation for the Rhineland Regional Association; Dr Martin Kessler, Senior Editor of Politics for the newspaper Rheinische Post; Professor Dr Aloys Krieg, Director, Chair A for Mathematics, and Vice-Rector for Academics at RWTH Aachen University; Professor Stefan Leupertz of Leupertz Baukonfliktmanagement, a conflict adjudication firm specialised in the construction industry, as well as Honorary Professor at the Technical University of Dortmund and former judge of the Bundesgerichtshof (German Federal Supreme Court).

The internal members of the new Board of Governors are Dr-Ing. Joachim Gebel, Professor for Process Engineering and Thermodynamics at the Faculty of Technology and Bionics; Dr Daniela Lud, Professor for Environmental Assessment and Remediation at the Faculty of Communication and Environment; Dr Diana Marquardt, Professor for Business Administration with a focus on Tourism at the Faculty of Society and Economics; and Dr Robert Renner, Professor for Health Promotion and Nutrition at the Faculty of Life Sciences.

A selection committee with members from the University Senate, the previous Board of Governors and a ministry representative was responsible for selecting and recruiting members for appointment. Professor Krieg was elected Chair of the Board of Governors, Professor Renner was elected Deputy Chair. “The Executive Board is looking forward to working with the new Board of Governors constructively and productively. Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences will certainly benefit from the broad range of expertise of the Board’s members,” said President Dr Oliver Locker-Grütjen.
