Workshop MASIL

You are cordially invited to participate in our HSRW-I2R Workshop on „Multimodal Assistive Systems - Improving Human Quality of Life and Performance using Modern Technologies“ (MASIL), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation- Project Number 378967684). This two-day international workshop is intended to provide a forum for researchers and industry players to discuss, explore and brainstorm on the research and application trends of Assistive Technologies for the enhancement of human life in professional and private activities.

Our international workshop strives to stimulate the interaction of relevant and different research and application communities with respect to implications, research challenges, methodological standards, new techniques and applications in the area of modern Assistive Technologies (ATs) to improve human quality of life and performance. We are providing a forum for researchers from human-computer interaction, context-aware computing, robotics, computer vision and image processing, psychology, sport science, eye tracking and industry to discuss new techniques and approaches regarding the above mentioned lines of research that go far beyond existing AT techniques and solutions. The focus will be on a more human-centered design and target-user requirement approach to AT systems, the need for more general and cognitive components, for trustworthy, transparent, context/situation aware and open-source alternatives, as well as the establishment of advisory services where potential users can get more information about existing AT solutions. Furthermore, this workshop will highlight the importance of ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) for the development of modern and trustworthy AT systems.

Invited Speakers (not yet finalised)

  • Prof. Dr. Christian Ressel (Research Area: Ambient Intelligent Systems, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich-Heinrich-Allee 25, 47475 Kamp-Lintfort, Germany) works on various Assistive Systems to support elderly and handicapped people in everyday situations. For example OurPuppet (to support people with dementia and to relieve caregivers) and “Mobile – Mobil im Leben” (to provide support for public transportation)
  • Prof. Dr. Nele Wild-Wall (Research Area: Psychology; Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich-Heinrich-Allee 25, 47475 Kamp-Lintfort, Germany). Her research interest focuses on the analysis of mental functions and their age-related changes using experimental neurophysiological methods, in particular with the electroencephalogram and event-related potentials.
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Schack (Neurocognition and Action – Biomechanics Research Group, Bielefeld University, Germany). His central research topic is the study of the cognitive architecture of human movements. For example, it deals with the connection between cognitive and biomechanical units of motion control in humans and robots. On this basis, consequences for the development of assistive technologies and psychological training methods in rehabilitation and high performance sports are derived.
  • Prof. Dr. Liming Chen (Cyber Technology Institute, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK) researches artificial intelligence, semantic and knowledge technologies in the context of ambient assisted living, smart homes and technology-driven independent living solutions
  • Bo Bäckström, Head of Innovation GBB Gesellschaft für Bildung und Beruf e.V. in Dortmund, Germany. Mr. Bäckström will talk about the Network Inclusion 4.0 Ruhr - Digital Support Systems for Employees with Cognitive Impairments
  • Via video conference: Dr. MA Keng Teck (CTO and Co-founder of AgI Technosys Pte Ltd, Human-Centric AI (CHEEM), A*AI (A*STAR AI Initiative), Singapore) per Videoconference. His research areas are AI/Cybernetics, Computer Algorithms, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Technology, Software Engineering, Eyetracking and Visual Attention
  • Via video conference: Dr. Xu Quianli, Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore (per Videoconference). His research interest are UX Research & Analytics. Wearable Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, and Innovation in Healthcare Products & Systems
  • Dr. André Krause (Mediablix IIT GmbH, Germany) develops AR/VR techniques for health applications, including gesture based interfaces, real time body posture feedback and individualized exercises in order to guide family members towards a healthy and active life.
  • Adriana Cabrera, M.F.A., Scientific Assistant FabLab, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany. Her research interest is in the field of embodiment interaction combining the expertise of soft materials and bio-inspired design in the field of digital manufacturing.

 Call for papers:

After the workshop we will publish a conference report with your paper contributions (approximately at the end of May 2019) as an Open Access document via the eCollection side of the library of Bielefeld University, Germany It will get a DOI so that you can cite the papers accordingly. Additionally, there will be an official download side provided by the library where people can download the paper and conference reports. In order to prepare this edition we are calling for 200-word abstracts on topics related to static and mobile Assistive Systems. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • New human centered approaches to AT
  • Cognitive Components for AT
  • General Approaches to AT
  • Natural forms of Human-Computer Interaction
  • Evaluation standards for AT
  • Open-Source approaches to AT

Preliminary papers will be peer-viewed by at least two members of an international program committee. Word and LaTex templates for the submissions are now available on this website in the Downloads section on the right.

We are looking forward to receiving your submissions and to welcome you to Kamp-Lintfort at the end of March 2019 !

Important Dates:

March 27th, 2019: Submission of 200 words abstract (if you have not done so yet)

March 28-29th, 2019: Workshop at HSRW in Kamp-Lintfort Germany

April 15th, 2019: Deadline for 2-4 page preliminary paper

April 30th, 2019:  Feedback: Reviews To Authors

May 15th, 2019: Camera ready papers due

Workshop Organizers

  • Prof. Dr. Kai Essig (Human Factors and Interactive Systems) Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich-Heinrich-Allee 25, 47475 Kamp-Lintfort, Germany (
  • Dr. Ma Keng Teck  (CTO and Co-founder of AgI Technosys Pte Ltd, Human-Centric AI (CHEEM), A*AI (A*STAR AI Initiative), Singapore)
  • Dr. André Krause (Mediablix IIT GmbH, Germany)